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Apex Process Consultants Blog
Apex Process Consultants help their clients succeed at digital transformation
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App in 60 Minutes — Order Buisness Object

Order Business Object

In our last video, we demonstrated how to use Apex Repository to connect to an existing table in an external database to retrieve the store name. In this video, we’ll continue to build out the…

App in 60 Minutes — Using Apex Repository

Fine-tuning the details…

In previous videos in the “App in 60 Minutes” series, we set up a tabbed interface, added a list of products to the tab, and connected the list to an Apex Repository table. In this video…

App in 60 Minutes — Creating a Business Object

Getting into the thick of things…

Previously, in video #2, we created the layout of the Order Guide Tab and populated it with static data. In this video, we’ll address creating a business object, using…

App in 60 Minutes — Order Guide Tab

Layouts don’t get much simpler than this…

In video #1, we added a tabbed layout on our page; now, we’ll look at how to build out the Order Guide Tab. In this video, we’ll add a Dynamic Section to our tab in order…