Go to App Academy
App Academy
Empowering people to transform their lives by tying our success to theirs.
Note from the editor

Empowering people to transform their lives by tying our success to theirs.

Go to the profile of App Academy
App Academy
Empowering people to transform their lives by tying our success to theirs.
Go to the profile of Chase Wilson
Chase Wilson
Director of Admissions at www.appacademy.io. Community Ambassador for @indiehackers.
Go to the profile of Matt Charnock
Matt Charnock
SF transplant, coffee shop frequent; tiny living enthusiast. iPhone hasn’t been off silent mode in nine or so years. Former EIC of The Bold Italic.
Go to the profile of Lucas Quagliata
Lucas Quagliata
Marketing Strategist | Philadelphian | Routinely Disappointed Buffalo Bills Fan
Go to the profile of Carl Baron
Go to the profile of Moshe Siegel
Moshe Siegel
Founder of 4scorechat.com, where strangers match for improv chatting. Lives in New York City
Go to the profile of Blair Reeves
Blair Reeves
Product at Salesforce. Holder of strong opinions. I mostly write on my blog, BlairReeves.me, but occasionally post here too.
Go to the profile of Gregory Sherrow
Gregory Sherrow
Fiction writer, trail runner, dog lover, P/T stoic, IT Director for the Anna, Age Eight Institute at NMSU. writing@gregorysherrow.com
Go to the profile of Jason Roell
Jason Roell
AI Practitioner/Software Engineer (jasonroell.com) looking for the hardest problems to solve. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-roell-47830817/)