Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize()//Find swipe start and end point from screen’s with and height.//Find startx point…
MobileElement keyboard = (MobileElement)driver.findElement(MobileBy.className(“UIAKeyboard”));
//All Connection Removed
Reference: (Click Here)
Having Appium 1.9.0 out, we find it to be a feature release, comprising multiple updates. Some of the key features brought forward in this release update are:
As we all know that Appium is the most preferred test automation tool for mobile applications. It is the first choice of the testers…
To grant all permission for your application(Android) you can add:
//Here we have Initialized driver as AppiumDriver
Code Snippet:==========================================str ===> Which text contains by the elementdriver.findElementsByAndroidUIAutomator(“new UiScrollable(new…