The Full Stack Data Scientist Part 6: Automation with Airflow

Chris Schon
Applied Data Science


This is part of the Full Stack Data Scientist blog series. I’ve written an introductory blog here, and I’d also recommend reading the Practical Introduction to Docker before working with this post’s tutorial.

Building end-to-end data science solutions means developing data collection, feature engineering, model building and model serving processes. It’s a lot of stuff to stay on top of, right? To keep myself sane, I use Airflow to automate tasks with simple, reusable pieces of code for frequently repeated elements of projects, for example:

  • Web scraping
  • ETL
  • Database management
  • Feature building and data validation

And much more!

What’s Airflow, and why’s it so good?

Airflow is a Python based open source orchestration tool developed in-house by Airbnb in 2014 to help their internal workflows.

What makes it my go to? In short, it’s free, in pure Python, and it has a logical structure as well as a slick UI for management, logging and debugging. This means that with a bit of learning, it becomes the easiest way to take your scripts that do the stuff above and put it on a regular schedule.

In my opinion, the best part about Airflow is its elegant design of its DAGs, Tasks and Operators, making it approachable for anyone familiar with Python. It makes any kind of workflow possible.

DAGs, Tasks and Operators

DAGs —short for directed acyclic graphs. This is a collection of Tasks that are ordered to reflect the functionality, requirements and dependencies of the workflow. Think of DAGs as your jobs or processes to run, such as scraping a website.

Tasks these are the smaller pieces of functionality that make up DAGs. For example, a DAG could scrape a website once a day, and one of the tasks could check that the website still exists. Then you can define the DAG so that e.g. emails you (one task) if it no longer exists, or scrapes the site it does (a different task).

Operatorsvarious Airflow built-in Python classes that can be executed by a task, e.g. PythonOperator for python scripts and BashOperator for bash scripts.

Take a quick look at the architecture diagram below, from the Airflow documentation. It’s overwhelming at first, so let’s just focus on the main part development as the ‘Data Engineer’ — DAGS. We author DAGs in Python, which get picked up from the codebase by the Web Server, which works with the Metadata DB alongside the Scheduler, Executor and Worker to manage all the workflows defined in your DAGs.

The Airflow architecture, as per the docs
Airflow architecture (from the docs)

Workers — Execute the assigned tasks

Scheduler — Responsible for adding the necessary tasks to the queue

Web server — HTTP Server provides access to DAG/task status information

Database — Contains information about the status of tasks, DAGs, Variables, connections, etc.

It’s a lot to get into without a concrete example — so keep some of that in mind and let’s get building!

⚒ Tutorial: building a joke collector with Airflow

We’re going to build a simple Airflow DAG that hits the ‘official’ random joke API once a day and saves the result to a local csv. I’ll be closely following the quick-start Docker guide in the Airflow docs to get the environment up and running, then we’ll add in our joke scraping DAG.

First things first, clone my GitHub codebase to your machine. All you need is Docker, so make sure you have that installed too.

This codebase contains two scripts to get your own Airflow instance up and running through Docker. First, open up a bash terminal (windows users should use git bash) in the project root’s directory and run:


Which simply runs these bash commands:

mkdir ./data ./dags ./logs ./pluginsecho -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)\nAIRFLOW_GID=0" > .envdocker-compose up airflow-init

The first and second line create some additional folders and an env file for the initialisation, and the last one performs the initialisation.

After running that, you should see the airflow instance initialise and exit as follows:

Next, run


This builds and runs the web server, worker and Postgres database as separate docker containers, as per the docker-compose.yaml file in the repo. This is the official supplied Airflow Docker development file, it contains a lot of detail that is not super important for the purposes of this tutorial. We just want to get a development environment up and running.

You should now be able to access your Airflow instance on localhost:8080. You’ll get a login screen that looks like this:

For this setup, the username and password are both airflow . Sign in and you’ll see the home UI, which looks like this:

We’re all set up to add our DAG now. Create a new file called in the dags folder and add this snippet of code:

We’re going to walk through this DAG step-by-step.

Starting from the top, from the airflow package (which will be already installed in our worker’s pip environment for us) we import DAG and the PythonVirtualenvOperator operator from airflow.operators.python . The DAG module is the main API for defining your DAG , as you’ll see later, when you use this, the web server will automatically pick up objects defined using this API and add it to your runnable DAGs in the UI.

We also import a couple of time-related helper functions. Note that we can use the core python package datetime to help us define our DAGs.

Next, we define our callable Python function. This is the required structure when using the PythonVirtualenvOperator as part of a task. We import the packages that will be in the virtual env within the function itself. This lets us use packages like requests that aren’t installed by default into the Airflow worker container, but are passed into the PythonVirtualenvOperator to install at runtime.

Then from line 5 onwards we have the code that hits the joke API and writes it down locally to jokes.csv . Note that none of this will actually be run if we were to, say, run the script from the command line. This is all configuration as code — we are defining in code how we want the web server to implement our DAG.

The next section is a simply defining some default parameters for our DAG. Most are self-explanatory, note that the ‘owner’ is the airflow user we used to log into the UI.

We finally have the definition of the DAG. Using the with structure as you would when opening a file, we define a DAG with the name joke_collector, the default arguments we defined above, a quick description, the schedule interval, start date and tags.

With a schedule interval of 1 days and a start date of 1 days_ago which, by Airflow’s scheduling and triggers definition, will run automatically once upon initialisation, then once a day at midnight there on. If we defined the start date as 10 days ago, we would actually see it run 10 times upon initialisation, then once a day thereafter. Bit odd, right?

This is how Airflow backfills based on the start date. It’s a bit of a gotcha at first, but for more complex, time related tasks it makes a lot of sense. For example, you might hit an API or a database based on a sliding time window to extract data in batches, and in order to perform a re-run you may define the start date as several months ago, then run the DAG with the date as a parameter, for each day leading up to today.

Let’s look at the joke_collector_task definition now. Remember how DAGs are made of Tasks, which use Operators to define what the task is to do at runtime. So this task will simply create a PythonVirtualenvOperator and run the code in the callable_virtualenv_collect_joke function. We pass in the requirements (just the requests package for this example) too.

Finally, since we just want to run that task, we need to add the joke_collector_task at the end.

Refresh your UI and you should now see the your joke_collector DAG!

DAGs start ‘paused’ by default, you’ll need to unpause it by clicking the far left button.

This should kick off that aforementioned initial one time run. Wait a little bit — it doesn’t run as quickly as it would in a py script or notebook.

Click on the joke_collector DAG to view more details about the run.

If all has gone well, you’ll see small dark green box indicating a successful run. You can hover over the task to view more details:

Clicking on that lets you click look at all other sorts of task information:

I like to use this to see the logs produced by the Airflow worker when running the task. Any print/logging statements you add in python will be seen here, too.

Finally, let’s get the data saved to the worker onto our host machine. Do this by running


Which brings in any jokes collected into your host’s data folder. Your repo should now look more like this:

├── dags
│ ├── __pycache__
│ │ └── dag_joke_collector.cpython-36.pyc
│ └──
├── data
│ └── jokes.csv
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── logs
│ ├── dag_processor_manager
│ │ └── dag_processor_manager.log
│ ├── joke_collector
│ │ └── joke_collector_task
│ │ ├── 2021-05-04T00:00:00+00:00
│ │ │ ├── 1.log
│ │ │ └── 2.log
│ │ ├── 2021-05-05T00:00:00+00:00
│ │ │ └── 1.log
│ │ ├── 2021-05-05T10:44:32.952335+00:00
│ │ │ └── 1.log
│ │ └── 2021-05-05T16:21:44.202494+00:00
│ │ └── 1.log
│ └── scheduler
│ ├── 2021-05-05
│ │ └──
│ ├── 2021-05-06
│ │ └──
│ └── latest -> /opt/airflow/logs/scheduler/2021-05-06
├── plugins
└── readme-ui.png

I’ve run mine a few times now, so I’ve got more logs, and jokes :)

And when you head back to the UI home page, you’ll see the successful run green light, too:

I hope you enjoyed this Airflow introduction and tutorial. Please leave a few claps if you found it useful! See you in the next part of the series.

Applied Data Science is a London based consultancy that implements end-to-end data science solutions for businesses, delivering measurable value. If you’re looking to do more with your data, please get in touch via our website.

