A shitty day is not a bad day!

Olga Volkova
Appward Thinking
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2018

Ideas are everywhere

What do you associate with health? — Fitness? Happiness? Nutrition?

As I’ve been working on improving the above components, I’ve come to realize that there’s a missing piece of a puzzle that highly impacts all of these elements — digestion.

Digestion is a reflection of how well the body performs and how effective all other efforts will come to be.

Guts don’t lie.

There are many aspects that affect the performance. There are also many ways to actively improve it. And it all starts with acknowledging what is, which, in turn, helps to design suitable tactics to improve and progress.

I got curious!

So, I made an app for it

Culio — a daily digestion tracking app.

Track your daily digestion, analyze the results, improve your performance!

Healthy lifestyle is everyone’s goal. What we eat and what we do are the key inputs towards it. Digestion is situated on the other side of the equation. Daily output is an indicator of how well the body is separating the nourishing matters from what to be let go.

With Culio, log your daily contributions, identify the weak spots and observe the progress!

And, to make it a little fun I picked a modified appearance of your natural, what I call — Shots! You can also customize it by choosing your colour!

Log. Observe. Progress!

A shitty day is not a bad day after all!

Available on the App Store: Culio

If you decide to download the app — feel free to get in touch, I’d very much appreciate your feedback!

This post is a part of my “Ideas are everywhere” series. Interested in what’s next? — Follow me here for future posts on the subject!

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