Find Out: Where AI Meets Community Wisdom

Aptos Labs
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2023

At Aptos Labs, we focus on forging dynamic and community-driven experiences to make Web3 more accessible and engaging for everyone. The recent Mainnet anniversary, a milestone for the Aptos network, saw the launch of Graffio, a platform that showcased the power of decentralized creativity with over a million transactions in a day. Building on this success, we’re excited to introduce FIND OUT, a unique platform that seamlessly merges AI-driven insights with the power of community collaboration to create an interactive Q&A experience.

FIND OUT acts as an intuitive gateway to Web3, offering a unique blend of AI-driven responses and community insights within a familiar Q&A format. Users earn on-chain points for asking questions, and correctly choosing the most popular responses through the platform’s on-chain voting system. This integration of blockchain technology is key to Aptos Labs’ vision of creating seamless, enjoyable, and interactive experiences that resonate with everyday users.

Insightful Decision-Making and Crowd Collaboration

FIND OUT was born from the insight that it’s sometimes easier to talk to a stranger than opening up to someone you know. Building on this common experience, FIND OUT offers a unique space where impartial advice meets community wisdom. It’s not just about finding answers; it’s about tapping into a world of diverse perspectives that shine some light on life’s questions.

Here’s how you can dive in:

  • Log in to FIND OUT with Identity Connect for smooth, gas-free transactions, or simply link your wallet.
  • FIND OUT the answer to life’s questions
  • Share your questions with the Crowd and get even more advice and insight from the community.
  • Earn on-chain points by asking questions and voting for the most popular answers

Your engagement is not only rewarding but also contributes to the communal wisdom for those seeking guidance.

A Leap Forward with Microsoft’s AI Co-Innovation Lab

FIND OUT, a solution set for development in Microsoft’s AI Co-Innovation Lab, introduces an oracle that can help answer a limitless number of questions for users. This represents a major step in our journey to provide real value to users by providing a platform that not only answers questions, but also paves the way for innovative problem-solving using the latest advancements in AI technology bolstered by the decentralized strengths of Web3.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to FIND OUT:



Aptos Labs

Aptos Labs is a premier Web3 studio of engineers, researchers, strategists, designers, and dreamers building on Aptos, the Layer 1 blockchain.