Case Study Update: Carrier Johnson

Arazoo Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2016

Last October, we mentioned that Carrier Johnson was using Arazoo to streamline their product selection process and make their product knowledge accessible to everyone across the firm.

We recently checked in with Carrier Johnson’s Designer and Technology Integration Manager, Katee Chard, about her experience. Here’s what she had to say:

One of the big selling points for us was that Arazoo supports our entire process from start to finish; with Arazoo, we can save products from anywhere on the web, record work and upload attachments for future reference, and automatically generate schedules for our specifications and presentations for our clients. Being able to do it all through Arazoo has expedited the process of gathering product research and making smart material choices.

As a rapidly growing firm managing multiple large-scale projects, it’s important that it’s easy to build, retain and find the product knowledge we accumulate. Arazoo turns the knowledge we gather into a powerful asset, because it automatically builds connections between our products and projects, and saves us from those last-minute scrambles through old emails and network drives to find the information we need.

Our Director of Specifications now looks to Arazoo exclusively as the single point of contact for all our project materials. Because we can create customized schedules, she can quickly access the specific information she needs to write our specifications. It also makes it a lot easier for her to ask questions to specific designers, surface products that need more detail, and see a history of product discussion, because she can see who created a spec, and she can at-mention them in a comment to get more information.

As we roll out Arazoo, we’ve been finding it really helpful to set up online and in-person training sessions for our designers and project managers, so they’re fully educated about the new workflow. It’s really helped us hone our end-to-end product workflow process, and saved everyone a lot of time and energy.

Katee and her colleagues are using Arazoo to streamline their product selection workflow for large-scale projects like San Diego’s Ballpark Village and Maker’s Quarter developments.

Makers Quarter rendering (via

Arazoo enables more than 100 top architecture, engineering and design firms like Carrier Johnson turn their product and material knowledge into a valuable asset, while streamlining their product selection process. You can join now at, or learn more about using arazoo at

