Meet ArcadierX Advisor — Mr Bradley C Hughes

Published in
6 min readJan 14, 2019

Hi ArcadierX community,

Ever wondered who are our advisors? One common theme you may find with our team and advisors is their strong drive and passion for making a difference in their respective fields and of course, in blockchain technology.

First up in our advisors’ introduction series, we are pleased to introduce Mr Bradley C Hughes, a highly experienced digital assets specialist and project manager with a 25-year track record. Find out more about Bradley and his thoughts on ArcadierX in this interview.

Meet Bradley, ArcadierX’s advisor
A veteran in the blockchain industry, Bradley has spent the last three years in blockchain startups, as a strategic & technology adviser to three different blockchain projects. Bradley possesses extensive knowledge and experience in SEO and paid search management, display advertising, social networking, inbound marketing, CRM, cloud systems integration.

With a career in B2B and B2C service delivery, digital marketing, content marketing and hosting infrastructure management, he is one of those rare people with deep technical expertise across multiple tech stacks as well as a holistic digital marketing skill set.

Bradley has also been a two-term local government Councillor (8.5 years experience) on a major city council, equivalent to a board role on an organisation with a $150M annual budget and over $2B of assets under management.

Q&A with Bradley

Q: Why does the world need ArcadierX?

A: As an established marketplaces platform provider with market traction, a growing customer base and a frequent release cycle for new platform functionality, Arcadier is ideally positioned to build a blockchain powered e-commerce platform with distributed inventory and decentralised trust on the blockchain.

Q: What are you looking forward to?

A: I’m looking forward to online merchants, marketplaces and e-stores having the ability to multi-home their stock, share their inventory and achieve a massive uplift in market reach for their products and services.

Q: Where do you see ArcadierX in a year?

A: Working hard on developing Arcadier Hub and Trust, working with both existing and new customers, marketplace operators and wholesalers to dramatically expand the reach for those marketplace ecosystem participants through a shared inventory system powered by blockchain.

Q: What makes ArcadierX different from other projects?

A: So many ICOs from 2016 to 2018 were ideas thrown together by teams that came together to bootstrap something from a standing start, without any existing business infrastructure, no product to market fit, no client base, only their best guesses about what could be built and scaled once they achieved their funding targets.

ArcadierX is a project launched by a mature, established enterprise, led by a team of corporate executives with decades of high-level commercial experience in e-commerce and payments. This is a team that truly has the track record and the results to show for it, who can be counted upon to deliver a commercially-viable project that can gain traction and scale over the next few years.

Q: Where do you see the blockchain industry in 5 years time?

A: The number of blockchain protocols won’t grow by too much more, as we’ll start to see consolidation around the key contenders for technological advancement.

There are more than two thousand cryptocurrencies and tokens listed on CoinMarketCap at present. More than 90% of those coins and projects will fail within the next 5 years.

The laws of commerce and the natural tendencies of international markets have shown that generally, there can only be two or three clear global winners per industry category, with perhaps two or three also-rans who maintain sufficient market share and scale to maintain viable revenues and profitability.

Given there are between 40 and 80 industry categories globally, depending upon which international industries classification list you consider, that suggests a probable maximum of 80 to 200 viable public blockchain platforms and cryptocurrency or digital asset token standards across those multiple industries. That’s based on the assumption of industry verticalisation, which is only one lens through which to view the evolution of blockchain technology.

Q: What do you think is the future of ecommerce/blockchain?

A: Ecommerce will transition towards open networks of peer-to-peer and many-to-many marketplaces, with the evolution of AI and machine learning resulting in systems that tell us what we need to buy and what we want to experience, even almost before we are consciously aware of those needs and wants ourselves.

Blockchain will provide the accounting, tracking, provenance and attestation layer, to give us confidence in the information being delivered and the legitimacy of all the interactions and transactions we engage in. It will be there in the background, securing and underwriting all of our commercial dealings, without us even being aware of it, unless we actively work in the industry.

Q: When and how did you first hear about crypto?

A: I was online late one night in 2012 and came across a reference to this new digital money called Bitcoin. I followed the link, did a bit of research, got fascinated and tried to set up mining on my laptop. Unfortunately, it was nearly 3am, after a very long day, so I didn’t get it running, went to sleep, forgot all about it and didn’t get into Bitcoin again until early 2014. At that point, I learned about Bitcoin, Ethereum and other early cryptocurrencies, watched lots of videos and started learning about the underlying technology.

Q: What are some factors you use to evaluate whether a blockchain project is good?

A: Use case — does the project really need to use a blockchain to deliver its primary value?

Security — what is the security model and the risk model? What education is provided on the management of private keys or access authentication and other related security considerations?

Privacy — how are users privacy protected? What education is provided on the maintenance of privacy on personally identifiable information?

Product-Market Fit — Is there a clear market benefit that will drive user/customer adoption of the product or service? Is the project solving a valuable real-world problem now, or is it a speculative pie-in-the-sky solution in search of a problem?

Q: Ecommerce and Blockchain — what do you think of this combination and how can ArcadierX play a role?

A: While blockchain technology is ten years old on the very day I write this, 10 years from the genesis block of the Bitcoin blockchain, it’s still very early days for Ecommerce in Blockchain.

It’s an exciting combination. Given its a multi-trillion dollar global market seeing increasing consolidation of market share, power and reach into a few global giants, it’s an industry ripe for disruption.

Currently most participants with independent platforms, or smaller businesses, are at the mercy of these giants and their whims, in terms of policies, costs and restrictions.

Blockchain can be the game-changing technology that levels the playing field, opening up access to all the participants in the long of tail of ecommerce, granting them discoverability and access to many more wholesale suppliers, marketplace partners, retail e-stores and ready markets of digitally aware consumers.

Disclaimer: Nothing posted by representatives of ArcadierX, its community managers, or community members should be interpreted as, taken as, or constitutes investment advice. All written comments are opinions of individuals and any investment is a risk that individuals take themselves.


Want to hear more from Bradley? Join Bradley and the ArcadierX team at the upcoming Blockchain Sydney Enterprise Focus Meetup held on 16th January, where Bradley and the ArcadierX team will be meeting and sharing on ArcadierX to the local communities.

Click here to participate now.

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About ArcadierX

ArcadierX is a project designed and developed by world leading marketplace SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) provider, Arcadier to deploy and integrate blockchain and advanced technological enhancements onto Arcadier’s existing marketplace platform in a phased approach.

These new capabilities aim to develop Arcadier into a fully integrated intelligent eCommerce ecosystem comprising of core blockchain characteristics focusing on aspects such as inventory distribution (Arcadier Hub), reputation trust (Arcadier Trust), payments traceability (ARCTX), provenance assurance, trade financing and data analytics.

ArcadierX Reverse ICO has commenced — the on-going pre-sale offering 30% bonus will end when all tokens allocated have been fully subscribed. Click here to join the pre-sale.




Enhancing Inventory and Reputation Distribution Through Decentralisation — The world’s first reverse ICO by a leading marketplace builder |