Development of AIre Databank has been started!

ARCS(ARX) Official
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2021

ARCS team is glad to announce that we have started the development of AIre Databank. Before, we conducted some PoCs to verify the business and technology of AIre Databank, but now we have started the production-grade development!
To find out more about AIre Databank, please check the following Databank Deep Dive articles:

Deep Dive #1 — Big picture of AIre Databank and AIre App
Deep Dive #2 — Data Management System
Deep Dive #3 — Blockchain System

Development Scope of Phase 1

The development of AIre Databank is separated into several phases. In the first phase, we develop the overall fundamental features of AIre Databank, including:

  • Sellers(General Users) can answer the questionnaire. Buyers(aka. Corporate Users) can purchase the data of answers from Sellers. Then Sellers can get the reward for selling their data.
  • All payment transactions are done through ARX on Binance Smart Chain, so that the users can enjoy the significantly low transaction fee compared to the Ethereum network.
  • When buyers purchase the data, they need to pay the usage fee(like commission fee) in addition to the data fee. Some portion of the usage fee will be burned. As a result, the total circulating supply of ARX will be decreasing.

The image below explains the overall application flow and features.

Design Samples

The images below are the design samples for seller(on the left) and buyer(on the right) portal. We aim the design with simple and easy-to-use.

The Seller portal (left) and Buyer portal (right)

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