Are You Out There — Poetry

Abecedarian…: Challenge Accepted

Well, well — my femme fatale; trust you shall find, this from an amused mind.

Graham D. Cooke
Are You Out There
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2022


Author stumbled upon this (Photo by Jonas Svidras on Unsplash) for Medium Writer (click on photo)

Ample they say, I’m not sure how to proceed.

Beginning at once, my mind and body soaks up the weed.

Crowing ever so softly, I lay my fingers to the keys.

Dedicated to the task at hand, I surely must appease.

Ever so slightly I continue, careful to ensure I have a good venue.

Fraught with desire, each lady doth watch — intent — as the audience grew.

Growth is apparent, grouped by seating, with readers already bleating.

Harmony ensured, writing continues, the editor not wanting a beating.

Ill-natured, with not enough time, the warmed writer goes on to exposit.

Joy — joy — noting oncoming midpoint, gleeful writer pops one to the firepit.

Kicking and screaming surely, the others are now, the writer pulled a cow.

Laying it on thick, continuing on, the writer added more fun, ya know how?

Mucking about in his brain, words flew out, thinking “Jessica Chastain?”



Graham D. Cooke
Are You Out There

Accidental published author 🧔 Technical writer & editor (25+ years) ... Medium editor (14 pubs) 🕵 ”"