Go to Are You Out There
Are You Out There
Are You Out There publishes on Out There topics (outdoors & travel with all the related gear, and opinions), Life (anecdotes, culture, food, cooking & health), Poetry, Short Stories (fiction, non-fiction & true events) and so much more — S’more (helpful tips and hints).
Note from the editor

Are You Out There is open to all writers. Come one and all. Need a spot to publish? Drop your work here for your readers. This is a space for all writers needing shelf space for their readers to come look for their latest published writing. Accepting applications for writers and followers, even editors presently too. Mentoring offered to new editors.

Go to the profile of Graham D. Cooke
Graham D. Cooke
Accidental published author 🧔 Technical writer & editor (25+ years) ... Medium editor (14 pubs) 🕵 ”medium.com/@graham.cooke.cts/about"
Go to the profile of Ginger Cook
Ginger Cook
All the funny things please, they keep me from severe depression. If you like Pearl Jam and peanut butter, we might be soul mates.
Go to the profile of Colleen Millsteed
Colleen Millsteed
Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.
Go to the profile of Aurelia Bliss
Aurelia Bliss
I write nonfiction, fiction, and sort-of-sort-of-not fiction. Whatever I'm writing at the moment is always me giving a peek. Top writer in Humor and History.
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Emerald
Elizabeth Emerald
Kindly indulge my sundry (a)musings re living and loving. Please pass my words — wise and otherwise — to anyone who might relate and enjoy. Cheers.
Go to the profile of Graham D. Cooke
Graham D. Cooke
Accidental published author 🧔 Technical writer & editor (25+ years) ... Medium editor (14 pubs) 🕵 ”medium.com/@graham.cooke.cts/about"
Go to the profile of Kathy K
Kathy K
I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.
Go to the profile of FootyFactsFrenzy
FootyFactsFrenzy YouTube Football Channel.Writing it's a different form of expression. I love to write about cryptocurrencies, metaverse, relationship and love!
Go to the profile of Lisa S. Gerard
Lisa S. Gerard
Just doing my thing, letting you do yours. Be kind. It matters. Help break Mental Health stigma. Share a smile. https://lisasgerard.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Olivia Love
Olivia Love
Mother, wellness advocate, healing practitioner, and writer https://linktr.ee/healinglivmama
Go to the profile of Ginger Cook
Ginger Cook
All the funny things please, they keep me from severe depression. If you like Pearl Jam and peanut butter, we might be soul mates.
Go to the profile of Colleen Millsteed
Colleen Millsteed
Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.
Go to the profile of Judy Walker
Judy Walker
Curiosity led. Relationship fed. Writing about the gritty, lovely, naughty, and joyful bits of humanhood. jituska.jw@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Ravyne Hawke
Ravyne Hawke
Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Go to the profile of James E
James E
A head full of nonsense. What comes out might be profound observations of the world around us, or it might be gibberish. Supporter of the disenfranchised.
Go to the profile of Jackson Mwansa
Jackson Mwansa
Hi, my name is Jackson I am a writer who like Reading. I Love Reading Books because I like to learn New things that's why I Love Writing as well.
Go to the profile of Micheal Woodruff
Micheal Woodruff
Eclectic Writer & Ghostwriter || linktr.ee/mdwoodruff
Go to the profile of Mahein Kazi
Mahein Kazi
From Pakistan to the US, Germany, the Netherlands and now Canada. Writer: Psychology, Mental Health, Society, Culture & Ethics in AI. IG: @unravellingyourmind
Go to the profile of Robert Shaneyfelt
Robert Shaneyfelt
I received my Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Trine University. “To write about life first, you must live it.” - Ernest Hemingway
Go to the profile of Chelsea Marie
Chelsea Marie
Introvert, writer, wanderer, wonderer ... obsessed with creating writing prompts and poetry. Follow me for your 3X weekly dose of inspiration!
Go to the profile of Tom Egelhoff
Tom Egelhoff
Top Writer on Government, Entrepreneur, Radio Talk Show Host, Subscribe to my FREE Small Town Business Newsletter on Substack https://tomegelhoff.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Healingvoices
Here to help you with you mental health journey
Go to the profile of Doa Demir
Doa Demir
A poet, an editor, a traveller, a dreamer. Become a full access reader. Sign up now with my referral link: https://medium.com/@doademirr/membership
Go to the profile of Don Drewniak
Don Drewniak
U.S. Army Veteran. Retired science/math teacher. Author of The Junk Picker and Desert Assassin, plus a bunch of other stuff. I reciprocate all reads.
Go to the profile of Stardust Musings
Stardust Musings
Alien w/bpd & ptsd, yogini, survivor, seeker 👽💞🌞 🕉 stardustmusings1@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Cypherdog Security Inc.
Cypherdog Security Inc.
Cypherdog offers secure e-mail encryption and messaging with no third-party access to data and absolute protection of the private key.
Go to the profile of Philip Davy
Philip Davy
Poet/Fiction/Non-Fiction/Tech Writer || Curious about unleashing the full potential of oneself ||
Go to the profile of Ruth E.H.
Ruth E.H.
oof. more oof.
Go to the profile of Shay
Storyteller, Humorist, Feminist, Mom, Yoga fan, Corporate worker. Dancing the tango between left and right brain. Reach out to me at sayanide1984@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Tim Dahi
Tim Dahi
Writer. Challenger. Live and let live advocate.
Go to the profile of Sky
Wife & Mama | This is my experience
Go to the profile of M Mahfujur Rahman, PhD
M Mahfujur Rahman, PhD
PhD in Computer Science | I usually write on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science | Contact me: mahfuj.github@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jaja Requa
Jaja Requa
Self-Help Junky, Spiritual Journalist & Lover of Wisdom.Join me here https://jajarequa.medium.com/membership or Follow me on instagram @jajarequa
Go to the profile of Diane Neill Tincher
Diane Neill Tincher
Top writer in Travel. I’ve lived in Japan since 1987 & love learning, history, & the beauty of nature. Pls use my link to join Medium: https://bit.ly/3yqwppZ
Go to the profile of Klara Jane Holloway
Klara Jane Holloway
I write about my experiences in life. Some mundane, some sad, some funny, and hopefully none boring!
Go to the profile of LK
Running solo with 10 year old triplets and trying to figure out life while wiping down tables (literally) through grief and her loss of her son Jordan.
Go to the profile of Francis Edwards, published writer
Francis Edwards, published writer
Tunnel Books, pull out 3D presentation. ETSY Shop: tunnelbook.etsy.com. Writes poems and essays. Books: ITSY-BITSY CLOUD; AFTER-ALL'S RUNAWAY CLOUD
Go to the profile of Paula Shablo
Paula Shablo
Published Author. Loving daughter, mom, Grandma. Bona fide Geek with the graphic tees to prove it. Believer of all the fantastic things. Artist, musician & fan.
Go to the profile of Laura Jevtich
Laura Jevtich
I Changed my Financial Mindset and I am an Author, Small & Natural Living, Minimalist Lifestyle, Productivity Lover, and Master Gardener living in the desert.
Go to the profile of Aman Singh Bhogal
Aman Singh Bhogal
Whiskey writer and enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Antonia Catana
Antonia Catana
From self-development, cooking, love to neuroscience, I like to type my ideas into blogs to keep up with my thoughts. https://linktr.ee/antonia.catana
Go to the profile of Gianfranco Vigneri
Gianfranco Vigneri
MSc Economics, BSc Communication, Business Analyst by day, Musician, Writer & Editor when Sun sleep. www.gianfrancovigneri.it - Book Author La Piuma sulla Pelle
Go to the profile of Kristie Leong M.D.
Kristie Leong M.D.
Family physician who believes proper nutrition for optimal health & disease prevention. https://www.histaminedoctor.com
Go to the profile of Giulietta Passarelli
Giulietta Passarelli
Author/Poet/Writer of middle gr. novels, short stories, poems, for adults, YA, the ageless: https://www.gpassarelli.com; updates website every 1st of the month.
Go to the profile of Iris B. Stehn
Iris B. Stehn
Mental health journey out of religious and narcissistic abuse and postpartum depression. Woman in tech sharing business, personal, and relationship tips.
Go to the profile of DearLove
I write about relationships with using my old diary and letters to my loves. Couple Therapist / Self-Improvement Menthor / Meditation and Yoga Instructor
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Emerald
Elizabeth Emerald
Kindly indulge my sundry (a)musings re living and loving. Please pass my words — wise and otherwise — to anyone who might relate and enjoy. Cheers.
Go to the profile of Wasi A. Rizvi
Wasi A. Rizvi
A grownup child, in love with words and machines, who is a Computer Scientist with editorial experience. Reach me: Wr.Wasi.Rizvi@gmail.com ; Words@WasiRizvi.ink
Go to the profile of Libby Winkler
Libby Winkler
Freelance writer who loves exploring the messiness of humanity, while poking around in nooks of life and shining light on all the things that make us complex..
Go to the profile of Kya Shabazz
Kya Shabazz
22 year old aiming to share my experiences when it comes to life and personal finance.
Go to the profile of Moonmoth LeMavely
Moonmoth LeMavely
I am my own Priestess.
Go to the profile of Stella Martann
Stella Martann
Digital nomad, prof organizer, life coach, nutritionist movin’ along the road less traveled. https://stella-martann.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of PageToAvoid
‘Sit down with your demons and have a drink and a chat and learn their names and talk about the burns on their fingers. Some of them are very nice.’ - D.V.Tease
Go to the profile of Natasha Kurien
Natasha Kurien
On the road to self discovery-looking to make peace with the past, present and future. Living to learn and learning to live.
Go to the profile of Kristina Oberlander
Kristina Oberlander
A poetic mom who is overcoming trauma and mental illness. https://linktr.ee/zevy_darling
Go to the profile of Laura Parker Roerden
Laura Parker Roerden
Sharing a love of what nature can teach us. Writer, public speaker & supportor of youth to boldly know & save the wilds. Dir @Ocean_Matters & 4th gen fam farmer
Go to the profile of Anthony Eichberger
Anthony Eichberger
Gay. Millennial. Pagan/Polytheist. Disabled. Rural-Born. Politically-Independent. Fashion-Challenged. Rational Egoist. Survivor. #AgriWarrior (Deal With It!)
Go to the profile of Sarah St. Erth
Sarah St. Erth
I am a digital and multi media artist, I like to write sci Fi, and futurism. I love to explore solutions, evolution, healing, gardening. Something for everyone.
Go to the profile of Sharing Randomly
Sharing Randomly
Just a normal woman with lots to share. I write about art, mental health, entrepreneurship, and lots more. Support me: https://ko-fi.com/sharingrandomly
Go to the profile of Evon
My incurable “idiotic” autoimmune disease inspired me to write and inspire others to live extraordinary lives while allowing my voice to be heard. Love Laughing
Go to the profile of Arshdeep Supra
Arshdeep Supra
Canadian Writer. The sky is often the limit, but not for me. I’m an astronaut. For inquiries please contact me at: arshdeep.sr44@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Rodney Brazier
Rodney Brazier
I’ve enjoyed writing since I was a child. I love to tell stories that people relate to and enjoy while talking about real-life situations.
Go to the profile of Trisha Ready
Trisha Ready
Trisha Ready is a writer, psychologist, author and a top writer in poetry. She writes about culture, cancer, odd jobs, writers, dogs, and other life stories.
Go to the profile of Andreia Damian
Andreia Damian
MSc student interested in self-improvement, human rights, gender equality, researching, weight-loss. Never stop learning. https://medium.com/@andreia — refferal
Go to the profile of Lorko
I've transitioned from Jet-setting Evangelist to stay at home satanist. I'm a recovering nihilist writing about my experiences re church, cults & life!
Go to the profile of June
Go to the profile of Lorna Rose Gill
Lorna Rose Gill
I am a woman from many places. I write about what it means to be a woman writing here, in this place, right now | BA Eng Lit | Msc Psychology
Go to the profile of Emily Forman
Emily Forman
Follow my journey as work to heal from Lyme Disease.
Go to the profile of We Speak Your Heart
We Speak Your Heart
Published and award winning writers, we celebrate Love and write (mainly) about Love. Love in all its forms
Go to the profile of Colonel Sanders
Colonel Sanders
I am a tech and life enthusiast. I like to read a lot and share what I know.
Go to the profile of Gayathri PG
Gayathri PG
Human. Collector of thoughts and memories. Creature of habit. Speaks needlessly about self.
Go to the profile of Loren Lieberthal
Loren Lieberthal
Hi! You come here often? Me too.
Go to the profile of Edward John
Edward John
Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom
Go to the profile of Rachel Irene Wilke
Rachel Irene Wilke
Storyteller│It's all within you.
Go to the profile of AliciaMarie Belchak | Master Life, Build Dreams
AliciaMarie Belchak | Master Life, Build Dreams
Author, speaker & coach. Nexus of ideas. I help you ignite dreams, master life, transform results & turn possibilities into reality. www.aliciamariebelchak.com
Go to the profile of Robert Welborn
Robert Welborn
Writer and Poet, I write to inspire, motivate and improve lives. Lover of coffee, books, and reptiles. Owner of Welborn Exotics.
Go to the profile of Elvie
Writes about #Travel, #Photography, #Life, and #Poetry. Message me at @successwitheve on Twitter and email me at successwitheve@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Iamsickpls
I observe. Then fall sick. Follow me on instagram @Iamsickpls
Go to the profile of Hope Rising
Hope Rising
Divorced, biracial woman | 23 going on 65 | Editor for Out of the Woods | I write to heal myself and others | Support me at https://ko-fi.com/aashaanna
Go to the profile of Vishali
Vishali is a Research Analyst living in Toronto. Her primary beats are Data Analysis, mapping and wherever any of them intersect.
Go to the profile of Garit Ahsanut
Garit Ahsanut
A Middle School Student, mostly reading, writing, and exploring things is what I do, More on me : https://linktr.ee/GaritAt
Go to the profile of Deeksha Agrawal
Deeksha Agrawal
programmer | love literature | space of inclusive perspectives | acceptance for all thoughts that could possibly exist in the Universe
Go to the profile of Claudia Koomson
Claudia Koomson
I am a writer looking to build my portfolio in these topics: poetry 📝 yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️ travel 🧳
Go to the profile of Angie Mangino
Angie Mangino
Angie Mangino is a freelance journalist & author. All about her at www.AngieMangino.com Become an email subscriber https://medium.com/subscribe/@AngieMangino
Go to the profile of Dani Montage
Dani Montage
Mom, new author, avid reader, lover of tattoos & guitarists. https://bookstore.dorrancepublishing.com/sydney-sakura-inferno-rift/
Go to the profile of Kunal Mehra
Kunal Mehra
I write about self-growth, nature, mind-body connection, mindfulness and personal memoirs
Go to the profile of Jay C Wells
Jay C Wells
Grandmaster of the Medium Illuminati. Creator of hidden worlds and wondrous stories. https://linktr.ee/jaycwells
Go to the profile of Deborah Camp
Deborah Camp
Award-winning writer/editor/columnist. No niches here! I write on topics ranging from humor, busines, life experiences, & more. deborah.camp@comcast.net
Go to the profile of Ben Ulansey
Ben Ulansey
Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙
Go to the profile of Caleb Weingarten
Caleb Weingarten
Columnist, social critic, and poet. Student of philosophy and life examiner. Native of Denver, CO but am on a journey elsewhere.
Go to the profile of Eko B
Eko B
I'm in love with imperfections and possibilities. The commitment to unlock and shine by keep on putting together the broken pieces to create a masterpiece.
Go to the profile of Saba Haider
Saba Haider
I love poetry. I write about love, nature, women, mental health, education and anything that intrigues me. I am an educator. Email: majdasaba6@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Bintu Sesay
Bintu Sesay
Scientist. Writer. Neurodivergent. Avid mental health advocate. Poet, often. Memoirist, on occasion. Storyteller, without exception.
Go to the profile of Amy Christie
Amy Christie
Dallasite, passionate storyteller and journalist, striving to create meaningful connections. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
Go to the profile of Misswoolf WhoWrote
Misswoolf WhoWrote
Hi, everyone! Here’s the thing about me. I consider myself a special kind of book lover, except I can’t read, can’t write— pop in to find out why, if you can.
Go to the profile of M.L. Martinez
M.L. Martinez
Intuitive Guide; Legacy Pioneer; Creative Writing Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Bright Okeye
Bright Okeye
A thinker delving into the ever-expanding space of articles to quell his insatiable appetite for insight
Go to the profile of William Hastings
William Hastings
Giving writing a try.
Go to the profile of A Grain of Salt | ElbyJames
A Grain of Salt | ElbyJames
ElbyJames is an American disabled combat vet exiled in the UK & a free speech absolutist. He’s an occasional Top Writer
Go to the profile of Lee Travathan
Lee Travathan
Author 19x, Speaker, and Artist. Preacher’s kid and granddaughter, losing her religion. I write books and articles that help people live happier lives.
Go to the profile of Steve Vernon
Steve Vernon
Writer of horror, humor. Retiree. Keeper of black cats, drinker of black coffee, and determinedly trying to lose some weight!
Go to the profile of Hein V 🌞🌈💖
Hein V 🌞🌈💖
Content Creator - Providing Tips on Writing, Earning Online, Self-improvement, Health & Wellness, Relationships - Contact: https://linktr.ee/provirbuserv
Go to the profile of Denise Lance, Ph.D.
Denise Lance, Ph.D.
I write about technology, disability, and the funny things that happen in this thing called life.
Go to the profile of Aurelia Bliss
Aurelia Bliss
I write nonfiction, fiction, and sort-of-sort-of-not fiction. Whatever I'm writing at the moment is always me giving a peek. Top writer in Humor and History.
Go to the profile of Tovah Rainsong
Tovah Rainsong
I marvel at life and enjoy communing with all life forms—maybe not snakes and spiders. I read and write on a wide variety of topics—from ants to zany humor.
Go to the profile of VibewithAsia
Relationships? Positive living? Parenting? I write about it all. I’m Asia. Join me on my journey! 📚 Check out my https://linktr.ee/Vibeology
Go to the profile of Naomi Latini Wolfe ✨
Naomi Latini Wolfe ✨
🔥Acclaimed educator known for transformative teaching. My innovative writing enlightens; my inclusive instruction empowers. Inspiring equity & empowerment.
Go to the profile of Rima Eneva
Rima Eneva
Interested in the human experience, mostly through the lens of psychology & personal growth | Psych graduate | rimaeneva.com | Read beyondreason.substack.com
Go to the profile of Paul Causey
Paul Causey
Husband, father, grandfather, life long poet, artist, world citizen and member of the human race. Mostly a nice guy.