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Augmented Reality

Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web
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Demos For Firefox 55 Release With WebVR

A Celebration of WebVR and A-Frame!

Last week, Chris van Wiemeersch contacted me in prevision of firefox 55 launch and asked me if I wanted to make some demos. I got a bit carried away and did three over the weekend! 😜 I like firefox…

AR.js is 80% Faster on Chrome r62!

and I did nothing special for it 😄

AR.js is almost twice faster on the most recent chrome. So all of a sudden, you get more resources to do other things. You get smoother AR, you can put larger models… Anything you want!

How To Create your Own Marker ?

3 easy steps to create a marker in 5min

Most of AR.js demos use the Hiro marker. It is nice but people often want to personalise the marker. For example, they may want to use their avatar or their logo. They want to make…