Removal of the Lincoln Knights

Keith Parkins
Art Lovers
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2017
removal of Lincoln Knights

It was very depressing today to see the Lincoln Knights being removed, especially as completely unnecessary.

The Lincoln Knights have generated massive public interest, drawing visitors in from far afield, thus their premature removal one huge mistake. I have yet to meet a single person, whether visitor, local resident or independent business who are pleased to see their removal or supports their removal

The Knights should have been kept in the street until at least the end of September, if not longer.

The miniature Knights remain in shop windows, a reminder of the cultural vandalism removing the Knights from the streets.

And A Knight’s Ale is still available.

removal of Lincoln Knights
miniature Knights in shop windows
A Knight’s Ale



Keith Parkins
Art Lovers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.