How to purchase $MIS — basic guide

Artemis Protocol
2 min readOct 26, 2021


Simple guide and resources on how to purchase $MIS on Harmony, if you are coming from Centralised Exchange (CEX) or another blockchain platform

Starting with centralised exchange

This is an option for those coming from CEX, e.g. like Binance, Kucoin, or Huobi.

First step: Bringing funds to your Metamask

  • Purchase ONE token on CEX, likely using USDT or similar stable token pair;
  • Set up your Metamask. Don’t know how? Follow this guide;
  • Find your own wallet address rendered in Harmony format style:
  1. Go to
  2. Paste your (ETH style) address
  3. In upper right corner switch to Harmony address style
  4. Your address will have changed to new, Harmony format — copy it
  • Now you can easily send your ONE purchased on CEX to your own Metamask address; you are ready for step two.

Step two: Purchasing $MIS on De-Fi Kingdom

  • Head over to DefiKingdoms, if this is your first time you’ll have to set up your name and avatar upon connecting your Metamask wallet to web3 application (you’ll only have to do it once);
  • Click on “Marketplace” >> “Trader” >> Choose $MIS to swap from ONE;
  • If you can’t find the token in the list, you can also access direct link to buy on DefiKingdoms here;
  • Confirm transaction in your wallet and voilà, you are now owner of $MIS.

Starting on different blockchain platform

For those, who already have capital on decentralised platforms, but not on Harmony blockchain yet, there is a simple tutorial how to bridge your funds on official Horizon bridge if you are coming from either Binance Smart Chain or Ethereum accessible here. Please note, Harmony team plans to open BTC bridge in near future. Beside the offical horizon bridge, you can also use other options:

After you have bridged your funds to Harmony blockchain, simply follow step #2 above in order to purchase $MIS.

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