
Give them data, and they will get healthy?

MobiHealthNews reported a recent study published on PeerJ titled: A prospective randomized trial examining health care utilization in individuals using multiple smartphone-enabled biosensors. It is the first published results from Scripps Translational…

What is precisionFDA

FDA recently announced the beta release of the precisionFDA platform to help advance the science of precision medicine, especially for new generation of genomic diagnostic tests.

“Data + algorithm” trumps “device + app”

New York Times recently published an article on the state-of-the-art of wearable sensors that detect stress. The notion that wearable devices can potentially sense emotions is very hot now. In fact, the recent Connected Health Conference had a program…

Antibiotic apocalypse is nigh. There is an algorithm for it.

Recently, The Lancet reported a startling discovery in China. Scientists there have identified a bacteria gene mutation that allows the bacteria to be resistant to our “last resort antibiotics”. Hmm, why do we have “last