NFT Digest: Hanami

Hanami (Japanese: 花見, flower viewing) is a Japanese national flower viewing tradition.

Ann Radnizky
Art Keepers
6 min readMay 25, 2022


The tradition of viewing cherry blossoms, like many other modern Japanese holidays, originated in the imperial court. This happened as early as the 3rd century, but the tradition of hanami has spread especially in the Heian era — the courtiers spent hours under flowering trees, enjoying light drinks, parlor games and folding poetry.


Hanami is a very short-term pleasure, lasting about 7–10 days, and then the petals fall off. Given the difference in climate between south and north, cherry blossoms in Japan stretch over more than three months (from late February to late May).

There are also Hanami of other flowers: may-lily, sunflower, carnation, cosmea, tulips. Special magazines and broadcasts on radio and television report on the time of their flowering.

On the day of Hanami, employees of firms go to park and spend their working time outdoors, surrounded by their boss and colleagues.

Shall we hanami too? ~_~

Part 1. Trees

Reva is an algorithmic artist, creative programmer, engineer of computer graphics from Beijing, China. After years of working on CG/Image technology, his interest shifted to exploring the relationship between technology and art.

Inspired by traditional Chinese architecture and Chinese painting, this project uses algorithms to generate window lattices with different patterns and blossoms and trees with different postures. Together with the possible rain and snow scenes, they constitute a corner with oriental aesthetic charm. These scenes are dynamic, such as slowly moving window frames, tree-growing, raining. We can imagine being indoors, watching the shaky tree shadow outside the window, or looking into the window from the same perspective as the current picture. Maybe we are looking into memories, maybe we are looking into hopes, anyone can write their own poems.

Tyler Boswell — generative artist using javascript and p5.js.

The generative collection of this author could also be seen in our generative art NFT digest.

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Georgios — painting gen-art from Germany.

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The Garden of the Hesperides is Hera’s orchard in the west, where either a single apple tree or a grove grows, producing golden apples. According to the legend, when the marriage of Zeus and Hera took place, the different deities came with nuptial presents for the latter, and among them the goddess of Gaia, with branches having golden apples growing on them as a wedding gift. Hera, greatly admiring these, begged of Gaia to plant them in her gardens, which extended as far as Mount Atlas.

Matt Perkins (nudoru) — generative artist and designer from Charlotte, North Carolina.

The generative collection Meander River Plot v1 of this author could also be seen in our generative art NFT digest.

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A natural media rendering of a fruit tree during one of the four seasons. Sometimes, you’ll catch it at night — with lights strung on the tree!

The amount of color in spring and fall, snow in winter, fruit on and off the tree will all vary. There are four spring bloom palettes, four trunk colors, and seven types of fruit.

Juhani Halkomäki — A digital artist using code, algorithms and randomness to generate pretty and interesting art pieces.

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The name [Löv] comes from Swedish and translates to “leaves”. It also resembles the English word “love” which I’ve poured a lot of into this art piece.

Part 2. Flowers

Gustavo Pitombo is senior developer at Work&Co.; generative artist.

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Generative flowers, enjoy their colors, shapes and their leaves.

They can come in different colors or monochromatic, the background can be colored or dark mode.

Tezumie — generative artist and illustrator.

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Enlightened Journey

A digital journey through nature.

Special thanks to @Zancan and @TenebrisVia for inspiring me to code with nature, along with the work of Linda Rous for inspiring the use of perspective and stairs in the scene. Also, thanks to the FX Hash and Twitter communities for the wonderful feedback and suggestions which helped throughout the design process.

Versus Labs is the work of Pandora and Prometheus, two scientists creating art from AI algorithms. Past projects include Metascapes, the highest volume AI + photography NFT drop ever.

Twitter | Formfunction

Sasha Zueva is an artist and musician from St. Petersburg, Russia. She feels the lack of beauty and harmony in the world, so she sees her destiny in creating art. The works are characterised by the features of naive art.

Twitter | Foundation

Varvara Alay is a graphic designer and illustrator, whose distinctive style is defined by surrealist motifs, bold colours and abstract shapes. Varvara lives in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Twitter | Rarible

The Flower Girls are a labour of love of Varvara Alay, an award-winning graphic designer and illustrator, whose NFT journey began in June 2021.

While Varvara is mostly known for her surrealist and abstract work, such as the Impossible Creatures collection, her secret passion has always been drawing Flowers… and Girls. In fact, the original 17 Flower Girls she created in August 2021, borrowed many features from her earlier works, some of which have been minted on Foundation.

Part 3. Grass

chaos_haunter is a programmer since 1987, Looking for beauty in chaos.

Most of my work is based on chaotic or fractal functions. They are just a set of equations which draw various things serendipitiously.

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Chaotic Blossoms

Chaotic fractal that generates flowery plant-like forms.
Colors are chosen to look natural.

Dorian Lods — generative artist based on Paris, France.

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This project started as an exploration of shapes focused on the peaceful feeling that stands out in a floral composition. Amplified by the sketch and toon rendering engine allow the piece to create an infinite amount of satisfying graphic composition.

The piece is draggable and interactive, giving it a sense of tangibility that I find very satisfying.

jonychoren — VFX artist based on Mar del Plata, Argentina.

My passion for the universe of 3D began when I discovered that there are no limits to creativity.

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A perfect fusion between stones and vegetation, textures and colors at their best.


What bouquet would you give to your loved one? How much will this token cost next week?

The petals will appear on us again...

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