Blaise Pascal and The Most Important Skill That Nobody Taught You

Pascal once said, “We fear the silence of existence.”

MLinda Writes
4 min readSep 12, 2023



A photo of a road curving up with a view of the mountains overlooking trees and cliffs.
Photo by Josh Carter on Unsplash

The video below by Zat Rana flawlessly describes the important lesson of learning who we are within.

Zat Rana does a beautiful job illustrating and narrating “The Life of Blaise Pascal” and the things he discovered along his journey.

The credit and owner of the video is Zat Rana. Their YouTube channel is The Art Of Improvement.

When was the last time you spent time in solitude reflecting on things in life? ~ Marlenny Linda writes

A photo of a sharpie permanent marker with a white background
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Pascal's journey started with learning about the physical world, the social sciences, philosophy, and theology.

He later turned to philosophy and theology after a spiritual awakening in his twenties.

His book, Pensées, provides a blueprint of our psychology, focusing mainly on revelations and Pascal's final thoughts.

A photo of someone holding a book overseeing a vast, rich, dark green valley. There appears to be a fog over the valley far away.
Photo by Kourosh Qaffari on Unsplash

Pascal once said, “We fear the silence of existence.”

We neglect the art of solitude.

It is the year 2023, and the world has changed immensely. We live in a world where we're connected to everyone by using technology.

We should be mindful of how we use technology, unplugging from technology and connecting with nature.

I like to practice Self-awareness for this purpose. I want to get more time away from my phone and unplug from the matrix. I often find myself riding my bike in nature.

A photo of a white outlet unplugged on a tan wooden floor.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In a world where people are more in tune with Facebook and Instagram, it's easy to fall into the hype and forget who you are.

As the video mentions, “Boredom can be a form of stimulation, but we avoid moments of solitude because we’re addicted to not being bored.”

According to Zat Rana's video above, we seek company or distractions to combat boredom. We should face it and let it take us where it wants positively.

Being bored can be a blessing in disguise when used correctly. I’ve written some of my most inspirational music when I was bored!

For example;

Inspiration strikes me everywhere! In the car, at the park, moments I go through in life, and even books I read!

I record acapella on the spot and bring it to life later.

Like my song, “The Alchemist- Personal Legend.” (click link) Inspired by The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho! I sing from the perspective of how Fatima feels.

I can't force myself to sing or play something if I am not in a creative mood.

Moments of solitude are essential to discovering new things about ourselves. We must block out external noise, focus, and get in tune with ourselves.

A photo of a man in a dark gray shirt, shorts, and red and white sneakers looking down at a cell phone in his hands. The day looks stormy and cloudy.
Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash

To wrap it up…

Running away from ourselves gets us nowhere. We must embrace moments alone and connect with our inner selves. Being alone is necessary for growth.

Our fear of void is the issue; the only way to confront it is to face boredom. We need to understand ourselves to interact with others.

Ultimately, we learn that being alone is a lesson we were never taught but one we must embrace.

A photo of an open journal with an old-fashioned pen and handwriting.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If you enjoyed this article and video, click below to read Anthony Jeung's article "The 10 Most Important Life Skills Nobody Taught Me" for more keys and tips on discovering who you are.

~Marlenny Linda writes, free yourself 💚

Claps are free! I will clap for you, too! :)

Thank you!




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MLinda Writes

Hello friends! I am a content writer with expertise in the parenting niche where I solve problems creatively. Need a writer?