Culture of Motivation

Mike Kraus
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2023


Mike Kraus

Мир в Україні (Peace In Ukraine): Mike Kraus

To do anything, we need to stay motivated. Here are some ways for you and your team to stay energized.

  1. Mission, Visions and Goals — In one sentence, tell us what you are trying to do. Then write it down on a good-sized piece of paper and place it somewhere prominent that will be seen frequently. Then write down and share what success would look like. What would we see? What would people say? How would it feel? Show your group that future. And what did it take to get there?
  2. Stay Engaged — Tips for good communication at:
  3. Collaboration — When facing an obstacle, it’s great to discuss it together. Different perspectives can provide better solutions. Helping each other can have many benefits.
  4. Check Your Ego — Build a positive, safe space for everyone to explore your organization. Discourage personal attacks and retribution. Everyone should be focused on the accuracy of the data, choice options, decisions, and evaluation.
  5. Have fun! — Finding ways to turn mundane activities into fun can change everything. Gamification turns a chore into an exciting challenge. It can be as simple as a graph tracking your progress toward a goal, rewards for meeting a target, or a low-stakes contest.
  6. Allow Exploration — Encourage…

