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Artist Challenge

ArtSpark empowers artists and creators to make a living on their own terms while staying true to their creative practice. ArtSpark designed the Artist Business Canvas, and offers it as an online course and in-person workshop. http://art-spark.org
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Life in the Day of an Artist, OR when do I have time to make ART?

This post is inspired by James Judd, writer/comedian/NPR storyteller, who wrote an article for Pyragraph in early spring entitled “My Day as a Working Artist.” It’s a funny piece, but also poignant because at the end…

Starving Artist Syndrome

…been thinking about philanthropy and the “starving artist” since watching a great BBC television series “The Impressionists.” (which you can find through Netflix) It’s a three-part series about Claude Monet especially, but also Renoir, Bazille, Manet, Degas, Cezanne, etc. — all those…