How our Contests and Campaigns work?

Melania Morelli
Artupia Stories
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2020

Hello again you lovely people! The coronavirus spectrum has been slowly (very slowly) fading and so we decided it was time for us to get back to work and start new campaigns and contests! Remember, in my latest article, I explained to you that we led a few projects in this early 2020 and that we don’t intend to stop (no matter what!). We received a few messages asking us to clarify how Artupia’s contests and campaigns come to life… so that’s what I’m going to do today!

Some reasons we launch a contest/campaign for are:

  • Cultural events we care about (like Christmas, Easter or International Women’s Day for example);
  • Something going on in the world which we can definitely not ignore (have you heard about this pandemic called Coronavirus?);
  • When our heart beats for a great cause and or a person;
  • We’re young, we’re cool and we’re into latest trends and hashtags.

Our main priority is stay faithful to our values whilst being up to date to what is going on in the world. We want to connect art with most people as possible, making it accessible to anyone and show how it can help us to represent modern and contemporary events. And if you have any contest or campaign to suggest, don’t hesitate to tell us: we’ll all hears. 💬

How can you participate? We get in touch with you using different channels. The first one is our Facebook Group. On Facebook we define the idea and explain why we chose that specific theme. We ask for your contribute and give you, of course, a deadline to send us your entries via email.

For those of you who don’t have a Facebook account, don’t worry. We send our Artupia Artists emails as well about our ideas, contests and campaigns asking them if they wish to participate and how to do so.

We try to reach as much people as possible, and we use the following channels to give our message and the artist, the biggest visibility:

  • Social media channels: as I already told you, we have quite a few followers on our social media profiles. We can engage with thousands of people with a single post, so all these people can see your artwork and style. Plus, we create special hashtags and we tag you in our captions. You are more than welcome to let us know your Instagram username as well as using our hashtags for a huge chance to get a repost from us. For example, for our post regarding Kobe, we reached 1428 users on Instagram and we got 706 post visualisations on Facebook;
  • Blog: what can I say? We love writing about you and your art;
  • Medium: yes, people, we promote you in here with millions of reader that are interested in the art world;
  • Website and App: both are always updated with the latest trends and highlight the artworks we picked to be featured.

Most of the time we combine all 4 of them, making your visibility increase.

We try to include in our promotional campaigns and contests all Artupia Artists who agreed to participate. When this is not possible and we need to pick a limited number of artworks and we usually tend to give every artist the same chance to be promoted: this means we try to select different artists for each campaign and/or contest.

So, tell me, what are you waiting for?!

Don’t waste time: Join our Influencing Community!

