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Living With Purpose

Arya Dharma
Arya Dharma
Arya Dharma: The Noble Dharma— A better way by a unique combination of our heritage (of Bharat India), spirituality and current affairs by going back to the future.
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The “wonder” of FUKUS “democracy”

We dont have SWARAJ which is true Freedom and Democracy.

Read my interpretation of SWARAJ — True Freedom and Democracy.

What we have is FUKUS representative “democracy”, a Western curse mainly invented by FUKUS, that…

धर्म Dharma

There is no correct English translation of the word Dharma.

The closest meaning is a virtuous way of conduct and living but this is not even a 20% completely accurate nor comprehensive translation.

योग Yoga

There are many versions of योग Yoga. Some versions of योग Yoga derive from Tantra.

The most subtle and profound version of yoga is covered in the Yoga Vasistha.

I am still learning about the Yoga Vasistha and will put up my detailed thoughts on this at a later…

Nature — The supreme gift and true embodiment of Brahman

Bhudevi is Mother Earth or Mother Nature.

Brahman loved creation, that is why Brahman created Nature with sparkling clear oceans, rivers and lakes filled with fish, and trees and sheep, cows and birds and…