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Arya Dharma
Arya Dharma
Arya Dharma: The Noble Dharma— A better way by a unique combination of our heritage (of Bharat India), spirituality and current affairs by going back to the future.
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How to Identify a True Leader

A true leader should be like Lord Ram.

Lord Ram was not just a God, but an ideal for all of humanity for not just millenniums, but for posterity.

I suggest the first book on leadership that should be taught in all schools, not…

Things I have Figured Out

Remember man made “religion”, not God (Brahman).

Brahman did not create for “religion”, colour, caste or creed.

Brahman created not just for all humanity, but for this whole world which includes all…

कर्म Karma or Destiny

Karma is a fundamental component of the Rtam.

The Rtam is the supreme law of Brahman and consists of Dharma and Karma.

However we all question Karma as the will of God and that sometimes God is cruel and unfair.