Weekly Report (25th Aug — 31st Aug)

Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2018

Weekly Report in different languages:

Technical Updates:

ASCH 1.4 version

• ASCH 1.4.4 version upgraded completely on 31st Aug

• Bugs of ASCH DApp withdrawal was resolved

• Resolve compatibility issues with the interface used by the exchanges

• ASCH v1.4 client Gulp auto-configuration script development completed

• Continuous development of ETH full-node building and smart contract testing

• Complete the smart contract runtime outline design, including: architecture, execution process, core objects, contract language, built-in state/type/function/object, billing mode, etc.

Block browser

• All UI effects and cut icon annotations are done

• PC Client search query, list page display logic and data detail page are completed

• Mobile Client search query, list page display logic and data detail page display are completed

• Front-end development restores UI according to UI design renderings, 60% on PC and 50% on Mobile Client are completed

Mobile Wallet

• iOS wallet asset management, asset transfer module are completed

• iOS wallet account management and account switching are completed

• Improve iOS wallet user input checks and error tips

• iOS wallet package is submitted for testing on this weekend

• Android wallet account function refactoring optimization is completed


  • The third-party DApp development support
  • To support exchanges with version upgrade

Marketing and Operations Updates:

  • ASCH Platform (ASCH) and OKGaEx (www.okgaex.com) officially reached a formal strategic cooperation. ASCH is about to launch the World Developer Challenge with a million-level award, and OKGaEx, as the world’s leading blockchain game digital asset trading platform and game ecosystem service platform, will select high-quality projects and teams for ASCH Platform. At the same time, the short-listed developers can be launched to the OKGaEx game ecosystem digital asset service platform for free for a limited time; if they get on Top 5, they can also have the opportunity to be recommended to get listed on OKEx.
  • On August 26th, 3UDAO-USO officially announced the airdrop announcement to the XAS holders. ASCH Lucky Star, the top prize, will win1000XAS + 100,000 USO.
  • On August 28th, ASCH has officially passed the examination of the China National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (TC260) and formally joined the information security assessment group. TC260 is a national technical organization engaged in information security standardization in the field of information security. ASCH has gained a strong advantage in the national and governmental level of information security standardization and implementation.
  • At 13:30 on August 26th, the “Block Chain Sharing and Side Chain Seminar” hosted by the BFTF Technology Community Alliance was held in Sanlitun, Beijing. The core engineer of ASCH, Liang Peili, was invited to attend to deliver the speech of “ASCH’s Side Chain and Cross-chain Implementation”
  • On August 28th, Sun Yizhu, the chief representative of the Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Beijing Representative Office), visited ASCH Office in Beijing again and further communicated and exchanged thoughts with ASCH Co-founder & COO. They held a three hours of cross-border video conference with South Korea blockchain community. Sun Yizhu highly appreciated and praised ASCH for the cross-chain technology and innovative development of multi-chain structure. the Institute intends to conduct in-depth cooperation with ASCH on blockchain technology development, industry research, project incubation and other fields.
  • ASCH is currently negotiating a strategic cooperation with a science and technology company in the life science field. The two parties will jointly build a set of blockchain applications for clinical trials, supply chain management and drug traceability systems, and plan specific business scenario for the blockchain technology.
  • ASCH Bounty event has ended, the bounty will be issued in the next two weeks. Those who have participated in the Bounty event should withdraw the rewards in the backstage of Bounty Global, otherwise will not receive the rewards. asch.bounty.global

Join ASCH Community:


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- Türkçe (Turkish) :https://t.me/Asch_TR
- Việt Nam (Vietnamese): https://t.me/Asch_Vn

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Gitter Chatroom for Devs: https://gitter.im/asch-development

BBS: https://bbs.asch.io/

Donate XAS: ACXTKbyZtEN4FZfC1dHZ6fYVCu2bA5H3Qg

Donation are used for rewarding ASCH community workers and promotion.

