Go to asensei
asensei is the future of connected coaching. She brings motion capture to your favorite sports apparel. She watches and teaches you in the sport of your choosing. Practice. Perfected.
Note from the editor

Beyond metrics. Beyond miles. Beyond expectations. asensei is the coach who sees everything, misses nothing and programs your very own path to perfection. asensei doesn’t make you train; she makes you want to train. Every stroke, every session, every season — asensei is right there with you. asensei knows your sport; why and when and how. And she knows you. Kinetic capture in your favorite sportswear feels every movement. asensei responds. Corrects your form. Speaks to your equipment. Hears your heart rate. Think superhuman technology for every human athlete.

Go to the profile of Steven Webster
Steven Webster
Sport coaching. Design. Technology. CEO of asensei. Practice. Perfected.
Go to the profile of asensei
Practice. Perfected.
Go to the profile of Ross Arnott
Go to the profile of Steven Webster
Steven Webster
Sport coaching. Design. Technology. CEO of asensei. Practice. Perfected.
Go to the profile of asensei
Practice. Perfected.