The AYDS Vision-Mission

Rio Aquino Dayao
Asia-Pacific Youth Data Society
4 min readSep 23, 2020

In this article, I have the responsibility to introduce the Asia-Pacific Youth Data Society (AYDS) as an organization and more importantly explain what we believe in. I would consider it nerve-wracking because I must give justice in introducing what me and my talented teammates from different nations have been working on. But like what we Filipinos would always say, #TiwalaLang or in English, “just push and trust you can do it.” :D Hopefully, you’d allow me to do so. Without further a do, let’s begin.

Towards a Data-driven Society

Different research bodies say that the global big data analytics market grows at a cumulative annual growth rate of 12.3% for the period of 2019 until 2027. What this means is that there is an inevitable shift to data in the future which we need to face and transition to altogether.

We don’t need to look far away on how this is already happening. On a daily basis, we hear news on artificial intelligence (AI) development like the self-writing robot, incredible systems for business automation, advanced programming and software, and many more. These different breakthroughs are all part of the development in the data ecosystem.

Asia-Pacific Youth Data Society (AYDS)

Cognizant also of this inevitable future, the AYDS sees this as an opportunity to take part in the change that is happening. We envision to connect the youth of Asia-Pacific in networking and promoting data-driven decisions across all sectors within the Region. As our tagline goes — “Creating Change through Data”.

Allow me to expound what we mean by this. Firstly, our mission is to empower the youth to not just become data practitioners but also become effective data storytellers. Being able to generate insights is one thing, but having your insights adopted by stakeholders is another. Thus we aim to highlight the importance of effective communication in ensuring that your insights are well-understood and have a higher chance to be implemented.

Secondly, we want to utilize the youth’s potential for positive social change. The youth of today are generally known to be more conscious and questioning on what happened in the past. We commonly hear the younger generation not wanting to repeat the mistakes that previous generations did in their time. And this desire for positive change is what we aim to harness in the AYDS through the lens of data.

Thirdly, we want to make data relatable for everyone. On my personal blog, I have shared my thoughts on why I believe Data Analytics is for Everyone. The thoughts I shared in this article is similar to what the AYDS also aims to do. We often associate the data industry with fields related to numbers like in engineering, finance, information science, and the like. What we fail to realize is that the data industry should not be confined to these select fields. Earlier we already discussed how our global society will inevitably transition towards a data-oriented one in the future, and all fields regardless of where you come from will be part of this transition.

Lastly, we want to make data science as fun as it can be. In AYDS, we believe that anyone can venture in data analytics so long as you are willing to learn. If you are just starting on your data analytics journey, you may read this article to learn some tips on how you can start your data analytics journey. And as we also acknowledge how data science as a subject matter can be intimidating, we exert the effort to always make our discussions as laymanized and as relatable as possible. Growth is our priority and we want to make it as inclusive as it can be.

In line with the missions stated above, the AYDS aims to produce useful content which will integrate data science, youth empowerment, and social change. We also aim to provide leadership opportunities to the community which are geared towards achieving the missions of the AYDS. Note however that while we put focus on the youth in our initiative, we make sure that everyone (not just the youth) hopefully learns and benefits from what we do at the end of the day.

To end, I hope you now have an idea about our organization and more importantly what we believe in. I am very much excited for the AYDS to grow as a community and to become a platform for anyone planning to venture in data analytics to not just learn but belong to. And ultimately, I look forward to hearing your story and other stories of my fellow youth’s data journey. Until next time.

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Rio Aquino Dayao
Asia-Pacific Youth Data Society

Business Analyst at RingCentral | Futurist | Data and Language Enthusiast | Lifelong learner | Linkedin: