Go to theMind — Opinions. Crowdsourced.
theMind — Opinions. Crowdsourced.
theMind is a platform for Opinion Crowdsourcing. A community of anonymous users (neurons), that ask and answer random open questions and provide opinions. Here we explore the Wisdom of the Crowd and how it can change the world around us.
Note from the editor

theMind is a platform for Opinion Crowdsourcing. A community of anonymous users (neurons), that ask and answer random open questions and provide opinions. Here we explore the Wisdom of the Crowd and how it can change the world around us.

Go to the profile of Vova Soroka
Vova Soroka
CTO @ theMind | Entrepreneur | Former IBMer | Social Technologies Geek | Father of Four | Karmiel, Israel
Go to the profile of Uri Soroka
Uri Soroka
CEO @ salut | Entrepreneur | @MarquetteU Grad| NYC via Kiev, Tel Aviv, Milwaukee and Chicago
Go to the profile of Pavel Klochko