SYS.1 Requirements Elicitation 需求獲取
目錄: Automotive SPICE(ASPICE)標準解讀 / 系統工程流程SYS.1 系統需求獲取
SYS.2 系統需求分析
SYS.3 系統架構設計
SYS.4 系統整合與整合測試
SYS.5 系統合格測試
流程目的(Process Purpose)
The purpose of the Requirements Elicitation Process is to gather, process, and track evolving stakeholder needs and requirements throughout the lifecycle of the product and/or service so as to establish a requirements baseline that serves as the basis for defining the needed work products.
流程結果(Process Outcome)
1) [Outcome 1]
2) [Outcome 2]
3) [Outcome 3]
4) [Outcome 4]
5) [Outcome 5]
6) [Outcome 6]
技術變更和利益相關方要求變更被識別, 與其相關的風險被評估且風險的影響被管理。
基礎實踐(Base Practices)
SYS.1.BP1: Obtain stakeholder requirements and requests.
SYS.1.BP1: 獲得利益相關方的需求與請求
[Outcome 1,4]
Obtain and define stakeholder requirements and requests through direct solicitation of customer input and through review of customer business proposals (where relevant), target operating and hardware environment, and other documents bearing on customer requirements.
NOTE 1: Requirements elicitation may involve the customer and the supplier.
NOTE 2: The agreed stakeholder requirements and evaluation of any change may be based on feasibility studies and/or cost and time analyzes.
NOTE 3: The information needed to keep traceability for each customer requirement has to be gathered and documented.備註1: 需求獲取可能涉及客戶和供應商。
備註2: 商定的利益相關方需求和對任何變更的評估應基於可行性研究和/或成本或時間的分析。
備註3: 為每個客戶需求保持可追溯性所需的資訊必須被收集和記錄。
SYS.1.BP2: Understand stakeholder expectations.
SYS.1.BP2: 了解利益相關方的期望[Outcome 2]
Ensure that both supplier and customer understand each requirement in the same way.
NOTE 4: Reviewing the requirements and requests with the customer supports a better understanding of customer needs and expectations. Refer to the process SUP.4 Joint Review.
備註4: 與客戶一同審查需求與要求,以便更好地理解客戶的需要與期望。請參照SUP.4聯合審查流程。
SYS.1.BP3: Agree on requirements.
SYS.1.BP3: 同意需求
[Outcome 2]
Obtain an explicit agreement from all relevant parties to work on these requirements.
SYS.1.BP4: Establish stakeholder requirements baseline.
SYS.1.BP4:建立利益相關方需求基準 [Outcome 2,3]
Formalize the stakeholder’s requirements and establish them as a baseline for project use and monitoring against stakeholder needs. The supplier should determine the requirements not stated by the stakeholder but necessary for specified and intended use and include them in the baseline.
SYS.1.BP5: Manage stakeholder requirements changes.
[Outcome 3,6]
Manage all changes made to the stakeholder requirements against the stakeholder requirements baseline to ensure enhancements resulting from changing technology and stakeholder needs are identified and that those who are affected by the changes are able to assess the impact and risks and initiate appropriate change control and mitigation actions.
NOTE 5: Requirements change may arise from different sources as for instance changing technology and stakeholder needs, legal constraints.
NOTE 6: An information management system may be needed to manage, store and reference any information gained and needed in defining agreed stakeholder requirements.備註5: 需求變更可能會來自不同的來源。例如:技術變更、利益相關方需求、和法律約束。
備註6: 可以使用資訊管理系統來管理、儲存和參照在任何在商定的利益相關方需求過程所獲得和需要的資訊。
SYS.1.BP6: Establish customer-supplier query communication mechanism.
SYS.1.BP6:建立供應商-客戶查詢溝通機制 [Outcome 5]
Provide means by which the customer can be aware of the status and disposition of their requirements changes and the supplier can have the ability to communicate necessary information, including data, in a customer-specified language and format.
NOTE 7: Any changes should be communicated to the customer before implementation in order that the impact, in terms of time, cost and functionality can be evaluated.
NOTE 8: This may include joint meetings with the customer or formal communication to review the status for their requirements and requests; Refer to the process SUP.4 Joint Review.
NOTE 9: The formats of the information communicated by the supplier may include computer-aided design data and electronic data exchange.備註7: 任一變更在實作前,應先和客戶溝通,以便評估時間、成本和功能方面的影響。
備註8: 溝通機制包含與客戶的聯合會議或需求與要求的正式審查溝通。請參照SUP.4聯合審查。
備註9: 供應商傳達的資訊格式可包括電腦輔助設計數據和電子數據交換。
額外說明:客戶的需求,包含一開始提供的需求與後續的變更需求;可以使用工具來與客戶溝通這些需求的理解與接受狀態。如果沒有使用相關的工具,一般也可以透過Excel檔案中的Q-A記錄來追蹤記錄所有需求的狀態,透過Email來回溝通也是一種簡易的溝通機制。部分客戶會指定特定的資料格式,如:IBM DOORS;有些客戶也會要求交付的文件需要符合客戶指定的格式。除此之外,如果專案包含供應商,也可以要求供應商提供符合公司或客戶指定格式的文件,以減少文件轉換的時間。
工作產出(Output Work product)
風險管理計畫 [Outcome 6]
風險減輕(消弭)計畫 [Outcome 6]
溝通記錄 [Outcome 1,4]
審查記錄 [Outcome 4,5]
變更控制記錄 [Outcome 3,4]
分析報告 [Outcome 2,3,6]
利益相關方需求 [Outcome 1,2]
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