Using Redis with ASP.NET Core, and Docker Container for Basket Microservices

Mehmet Ozkaya
Published in
13 min readMay 15, 2020

Building Basket Microservice on .Net platforms which used Asp.Net Web API, Docker, Redis and Swagger. Test microservice with using Postman.


In this article we will show how to perform Basket Microservices operations on ASP.NET Core Web application using Redis, Docker Container and Swagger.

By the end of the article, we will have a Web API which implemented CRUD operations over Basket and BasketItem objects. These objects will be store in Redis as a cache value so in our case we will use Redis for NoSQL database.

Look at the final swagger application.

Developing Basket microservice which includes;

  • ASP.NET Core Web API application
  • REST API principles, CRUD operations
  • Redis DB NoSQL database connection and containerization
  • N-Layer implementation with Repository Pattern
  • Swagger Open API implementation
  • Dockerfile implementation

In the upcomming articles :

  • Consume Discount Grpc Service for inter-service sync communication to calculate product final price
  • Publish BasketCheckout Queue with using MassTransit and RabbitMQ

At the end, you’ll have a working Web API Microservice running on your local machine.


You can follow the previous article which explains overall microservice architecture of this example.

Check for the previous article which explained overall microservice architecture of this repository.

We will focus on Basket microservice from that overall e-commerce microservice architecture.

Step by Step Development w/ Udemy Course

Get Udemy Course with discounted — Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET.

Source Code

Get the Source Code from AspnetRun Microservices Github — Clone or fork this repository, if you like don’t forget the star. If you find or ask anything you can directly open issue on repository.


  • Install the .NET Core 5 or above SDK
  • Install Visual Studio 2019 v16.x or above
  • Docker Desktop


Redis, an abbreviation of Remote Dictionary Server expression; It positions itself as a data structure server. Redis is an open source NoSQL database that originally holds memory.

Redis is not just a simple key-value server. One of the most important differences among other alternatives is that Redis ability to store and use high level data structures.

As mentioned in the definition of Redis own documentation, redis is not just a simple key-value server. One of the major differences among other alternatives is the ability of Redis to store and use high-level data structures. These data structures are the basic data that most developers are familiar with. structures (list, map, set).

It is extremely fast because it works synchronously. It supports many data types. It can save data both on RAM and on disk according to the configuration you set. Since it records on the disc, it continues to work with the same data after restart. It has many enterprise features such as Sharding, Cluster, Sentinel, Replication.

Since it does not work asynchronously, you may not be able to reach the performance that asynchronous alternatives reach on a single instance. You will need RAM according to your data size. It does not support complex queries like relational databases. If a transaction receives an error, there is no return.

Analysis & Design

This project will be the REST APIs which basically perform CRUD operations on Basket databases.

We should define our Basket use case analysis. In this part we will create Basket — BasketItem entities. Our main use case are Listing Basket and Items, able to add new item to basket. Also performed CRUD operations on Basket entity.

Our main use cases;

  • Get Basket and Items with username
  • Update Basket and Items (add — remove item on basket)
  • Delete Basket
  • Checkout Basket

Along with this we should design our APIs according to REST perspective.

According the analysis, we are going to create swagger output of below;

Architecture of Basket microservices

We are going to use traditional N-Layer architecture. Layered architecture basically consists of 3 layers. These 3 layers are generally the ones that should be in every project. You can create a layered structure with more than these 3 layers, which is called multi-layered architecture.

Data Access Layer: Only database operations are performed on this layer.
The task of this layer is to add, delete, update and extract data from the database. There is no other operation in this layer other than these operations.

Business Layer: We implement business logics on this layer. This layer is will process the data taken by Data Access into the project.
We do not use the Data Access layer directly in our applications.
The data coming from the user first goes to the Business layer, from there it is processed and transferred to the Data Access layer.

Presentation Layer: This layer is the layer on which the user interacts.
It could be in Windows form, on the Web, or in a Console application.
The main purpose here is to show the data to the user and to transmit the data from the user to the Business Layer and Data Access.

Simple Data Driven CRUD Microservice

Basket.API microservices will be simple crud implementation on Basket data on Redis databases.

You can apply any internal design pattern per microservices. Since we have 1 project, so we are going to separate this layers with using folders into the project.
But for the ordering microservices we also separate layers with projects with using clean arch and CQRS implementation.

So we don’t need to separate layers in different assemblies.

If we look at the project structure, we are planning to create this layers,

  • Domain Layer — Contains business rules and logic.
  • Application Layer — Expose endpoints and validations. API layer will be Controller classes.
  • Infrastructure Layer — responsible by persistence operations.

Project Folder Structure

  • Entities — Redis entity
  • Data — Redis data context
  • Repositories — Redis repos
  • Controllers — api classes

Database Setup with Docker

For Basket microservices, we are going to use no-sql Redis database.

Setup Redis Database

Here is the docker commands that basically download Redis DB in your local and use db collections.

In order to download redis db from docker hub use below commands;

docker pull redis

To run database on your docker environment use below command. It will expose 6379 port in your local environment.

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 — name aspnetrun-redis redis

Starting Our Project

Create new web application with visual studio.

First, open File -> New -> Project. Select ASP.NET Core Web Application, give your project a name and select OK.

In the next window, select .Net Core and ASP.Net Core latest version and select Web API and then uncheck “Configure for HTTPS” selection and click OK. This is the default Web API template selected. Unchecked for https because we don’t use https for our api’s now.

Add New Web API project under below location and name;


Library & Frameworks

For Basket microservices, we have to libraries in our Nuget Packages,

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis — To connect redis database
  • Newtonsoft.Json — To parse json objects
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore — To generate swagger index page

Create Entities

Create Entities folder into your project. This will be the Redis collections of your project. In this section, we will use the Redis Client when connecting the database. That’s why we write the entity classes at first.

Create “Entities” folder

Entities -> Add ShoppingCart and ShoppingCartItem class

using System.Collections.Generic;namespace Basket.API.Entities
public class ShoppingCart
public string UserName { get; set; }
public List<ShoppingCartItem> Items { get; set; } = new List<ShoppingCartItem>();
public ShoppingCart()
public ShoppingCart(string userName)
UserName = userName;

public decimal TotalPrice
decimal totalprice = 0;
foreach (var item in Items)
totalprice += item.Price * item.Quantity;
return totalprice;
ShoppingCartItem.csnamespace Basket.API.Entities
public class ShoppingCartItem
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public string ProductId { get; set; }
public string ProductName { get; set; }

Connect Redis Docker Container from Basket.API Microservice with AddStackExchangeRedisCache into DI

We are going to Connect Redis Docker Container from Basket.API Microservice. This will be the Redis collections of your project.

In order to manage these entities, we should create a data structure. To work with a database, we will use this class with the Redis Client.

After that, we have to configure our application to support the Redis cache and specify the port at which Redis is available. To do this, navigate to Startup.cs/ConfigureServices method and add the following.


services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
options.Configuration = “localhost:6379”;

It is good to get this url from the configuration.

Move Configuration appsettings.json

“CacheSettings”: {
“ConnectionString”: “localhost:6379”

— Update startup with configuration

services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
options.Configuration = Configuration.GetValue<string>(“CacheSettings:ConnectionString”);

Now it is ready to use with IDistributedCache.
— With this AddStackExchangeRedisCache extention method, it is provide to inject any class with IDistributedCache and create an instance for us.
We are going to inject this class in a repository classes.

Create Business Layer

For the Business Logic Layer, we should create a new folder which name could be the Service — Application — Manager — Repository in order to manage business operations with using data access layer objects.

For the Business Logic Layer, we are using Repository folder in order to manage business operations with using data access layer objects.

The name of the Repository, would not be appreciate for Business Layer but we are building one solution that’s why we select this name, you can modify with name of Service, Application, Manager, Helper etc.

According to our main use cases we will create interface and implementation classes in our business layer.

  • Get Basket and Items with username
  • Update Basket and Items (add — remove item on basket)
  • Delete Basket
  • Checkout Basket

So, let’s create/open a Repository folder and create a new interface to IBasketRepository class in order to manage Basket related requests.

public interface IBasketRepository
Task<BasketCart> GetBasket(string userName);
Task<BasketCart> UpdateBasket(BasketCart basket);
Task<bool> DeleteBasket(string userName);

Implementation of Repository interface should be as below code;

using Basket.API.Entities;
using Basket.API.Repositories.Interfaces;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Basket.API.Repositories
public class BasketRepository : IBasketRepository
private readonly IDistributedCache _redisCache;
public BasketRepository(IDistributedCache cache)
_redisCache = cache ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache));
public async Task<ShoppingCart> GetBasket(string userName)
var basket = await _redisCache.GetStringAsync(userName);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(basket))
return null;
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ShoppingCart>(basket);

public async Task<ShoppingCart> UpdateBasket(ShoppingCart basket)
await _redisCache.SetStringAsync(basket.UserName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(basket));

return await GetBasket(basket.UserName);
public async Task DeleteBasket(string userName)
await _redisCache.RemoveAsync(userName);

Let me try to explain this methods,
— basically we are using “IDistributedCache” object as a redis cache. Because in the startup class, we have configured redis as a distributed cache.
— So when we inject this interface, this will create an redis cache instance.

— After that with using “IDistributedCache” object almost every Redis CLI commands include in this context class as a method members.
— so we have implemented this methods into our api requirements. For example GetStringAsync , SetStringAsync..
— We have used JsonConvert in order to save and extract json objects from redis cache databases. So our basket and basket item structure saving to redis a a json objects.

Create Presentation Layer

Since created a Web API template for ASP.NET Core project, the presentation layer will be Controller classes which produce API layer.

Locate the Controller folder and create BasketController class.

using Basket.API.Entities;
using Basket.API.Repositories.Interfaces;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Basket.API.Controllers
public class BasketController : ControllerBase
private readonly IBasketRepository _repository;
public BasketController(IBasketRepository repository)
_repository = repository ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(repository));
[HttpGet("{userName}", Name = "GetBasket")]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(ShoppingCart), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<ActionResult<ShoppingCart>> GetBasket(string userName)
var basket = await _repository.GetBasket(userName);
return Ok(basket ?? new ShoppingCart(userName));
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(ShoppingCart), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<ActionResult<ShoppingCart>> UpdateBasket([FromBody] ShoppingCart basket)
return Ok(await _repository.UpdateBasket(basket));
[HttpDelete("{userName}", Name = "DeleteBasket")]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(void), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteBasket(string userName)
await _repository.DeleteBasket(userName);
return Ok();

we have injected IBasketRepository object and use this object when exposing apis.
— you can see that we have exposed crud api methods over the Basket Controller.

— Also you can see the anotations.
ProducesResponseType — provide to restrictions on api methods. produce only including types of objects.
Route — provide to define custom routes. Mostly using if you have one more the same http method.
httpget/put/post — send http methods.

API Routes in Controller Classes

In Controller class can manage to provide below routes as intended methods in BasketController.cs.

Along with this we should design our APIs according to REST perspective.

Swagger Implementation

Swagger is dynamic used by the software world is a widely used dynamic document creation tool that is widely accepted. Its implementation within .Net Core projects is quite simple.

Implementation of Swagger

1- Let’s download and install the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore package to the web api project via nuget.

2- Let’s add the swagger as a service in the ConfigureServices method in the Startup.cs class of our project.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

#region Swagger Dependenciesservices.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
c.SwaggerDoc(“v1”, new OpenApiInfo { Title = “Catalog API”, Version = “v1” });

3- After that we will use this added service in the Configure method in Startup.cs.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
c.SwaggerEndpoint(“/swagger/v1/swagger.json”, “Catalog API V1”);

Register Redis into AspNet Built-in Dependency Injection Tool

After we have developed the Controller, the most important part is registering objects into aspnet built-in dependency injection tool.
— So in our case, Controller class uses Repository object and Repository object uses IDistributedCache objects. That means we should register both repostiory and IDistributedCache object.

Go to Startup.cs
Register Repository into DI Service collections.

Add Startup Configurations

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
options.Configuration = Configuration.GetValue<string>(“DatabaseSettings:ConnectionString”);

services.AddScoped<IBasketRepository, BasketRepository>();

— For IDistributedCache, we have already registered with AddStackExchangeRedisCache extention method.

Run Application

Now the Basket microservice Web API application ready to run.

Before running the application, configure the debug profile;

Right Click the project File and Select to Debug section.

Change Launch browser to swagger

Change the App URL to http://localhost:5001

Hit F5 on Basket.API project.

Exposed the Product APIs in our Catalog Microservices, you can test it over the Swagger GUI.

You can also test it over the Postman as below way.

Run Application on Docker with Database

Since here we developed ASP.NET Core Web API project for Catalog microservices. Now it’s time to make docker the Basket API project with our Redis.

Add Docker Compose and Dockerfile

Normally you can add only Dockerfile for make dokerize the Web API application but we will integrate our API project with MongoDB docker image, so we should create docker-compose file with Dockerfile of API project.

Right Click to Project -> Add -> ..Container Orchestration Support

Continue with default values.

Dockerfile and docker-compose files are created.

Docker-compose.yml is a command-line file used during development and testing, where necessary definitions are made for multi-container running applications.


version: ‘3.4’
image: redis
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}basketapi
context: .
dockerfile: src/Basket/Basket.API/Dockerfile

Basically in docker-compose.yml file, created 2 image 1 is for Redis which name is basketdb, 2 is web api project which name is basket.api.

After that we configure these images into docker-compose.override.yml file.

Run below command on top of project folder which include docker-compose.yml files.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up –build

That’s it!

You can check microservices as below urls :

Basket API -> http://localhost:8001/swagger/index.html

SEE DATA with Test over Swagger




Mehmet Ozkaya

Software Architect | Udemy Instructor | AWS Community Builder | Cloud-Native and Serverless Event-driven Microservices