Your Growth is Proportionate to Your Willingness to Embrace Discomfort

The reality of what makes us strong and what makes us weak.

Lance Baker


Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

The path of growth is unquestionably challenging and difficult. To assume or believe otherwise is not reflective of the human experience.

We all know this on some level. We talk about growing pains, grit, and hustle. These are terms that suggest resistance and hard work. Yet it seems that there is an ever-increasing expectation that life should be easier. Especially as we see technology bridging gaps, solving problems, and making certain tasks simpler. We have more access to information and data than ever, surely everything should be easy by now, right?

This expectation that our journeys should not take us through the brambles of pain and discomfort leaves us weak and ill-prepared for the journey itself. Furthermore, we become miserable and cynical because every obstacle feels insurmountable instead of just an opportunity for creative movement.

Of course, too much discomfort can create trauma that becomes genuinely debilitating. But too little discomfort leaves us unable to face even the simplest hurdles in life. In his book Everything Is F*cked: A Book About Hope Mark Manson puts it this way:

What we find, then, is that our…



Lance Baker

A fellow observer on the journey through life. Trying to cultivate a deeper way of being in the world.