Go to Assert(js) Testing Conf
Assert(js) Testing Conf
A conference for JavaScript developers focused on testing. From TDD techniques and process to JS testing tools and frameworks. September 2019.
Note from the editor

A conference for JavaScript developers focused on testing. From TDD techniques and process to JS testing tools and frameworks. September 2019.

Go to the profile of Paul Dowman
Paul Dowman
JavaScript developer, founder & CEO at @ok_grow
Go to the profile of Assert(js) Testing Conf
Assert(js) Testing Conf
A one-day, single-track conference with a laser focus on #JavaScript #Testing for developers - both UI and Node.js. Sponsored by @ok_grow
Go to the profile of Rotem Meidan
Rotem Meidan
Mobile Infrastructure Engineer at Wix.com
Go to the profile of Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds
Making software development more accessible · Husband, Father, Latter-day Saint, Teacher, OSS, GDE, @TC39 · @PayPalEng @eggheadio @FrontendMasters · #JS
Go to the profile of Jesse Palmer
Jesse Palmer
Senior Engineering Manager, Growth @ SurveyMonkey
Go to the profile of Michael Sholty
Michael Sholty
Software Engineer, formerly @Feathr, @Disney, @FanDuel. Constantly looking for ways to protect myself against myself.