Asterisk Week 23: Sobre Stars Hollow

Asterisk Project
Asterisk Project
Published in
6 min readJun 19, 2018

Stars Hollow, founded in 1779


Texto por: Viviane Souza

O texto de hoje é referente ao dia 12 de junho, e o prompt da semana foi a imagem acima. Eu tirei essa imagem de uma série chamada Gilmore Girls, mais conhecida no Brasil como Tal Mãe, Tal Filha. Esse é meu seriado favorito de todos os tempos, e eu já estava há algum tempo querendo incluí-la ao projeto. Finalmente consegui, e estou muito feliz em trazer esse artigo para vocês! Stars Hollow é a cidade fictícia, onde se passa a história de Lorelai e Rory Gilmore, e eu simplesmente adoro essa cidadezinha!

Os resultados dessa semana tão especial para mim, você confere logo abaixo.


Stars Hollow is a magical place. I’ve never been there (at least not physically), but I got the chance to know this small town through Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, two gals that became special friends of mine, I dare say. And before you ask, yes, I’m talking about the famous series, but for me it’s not just a TV show. It’s a great story, full of great and inspiring conversations, that confirms one of my main values: it doesn’t matter the different situations you face and challenges you have to overcome; your family will always be there for you.

That’s the message Gilmore Girls and the crazy people from Stars Hollow taught me. Because besides Lorelai and Rory, the mom and daughter who are the series main characters, everyone in this small town is like family. There’s the great-aunt who is always gossiping; there’s the weird cousin no one quite understands; there’s the loving grandfather, and the strict and sweet grandmother; there’s the fun dad and there’s also the responsible dad (yeah, you have to watch it to understand, sorry); there’s the rebel sister; there’s the aunt who will cook all your favorite meals; and there’s the mom who happens to be your best friend at the same time.

I have a very intimate relationship with my mother, so I believe that’s why Gilmore Girls means so much to me. I feel very identified with Lorelai and Rory, and their unique relationship. By following their steps during the 7 seasons (and the Netflix special, which is still available FYI), I felt even closer to my mom. I think the series helped me to understand better her path as a single mom having to raise two children with all the difficulties it has. But what I admire the most about my mom (and about Lorelai as well) is her ability to put her worries and struggles aside to be the person I always needed her to be. She’s just amazing! I can just hope to have become the person she deserved as a daughter as well.

So, as I said, Stars Hollow is a magical place. And as it’s a fictional town, I think we all can create our own versions of it by cultivating our family relationships with love, respect, care and, why not, a little bit of craziness.


Stars Hollow is a fictional town. But I have developed a theory about the name of this place.

According to the TV show Gilmore Girls, the city was founded in the second half of the Eighteenth Century, in​ 1779.​ Even though the city is fictional, I wonder: what was happening in the world back then? I have done some research and found some interesting milestones of​ that​ ​century:

An earthquake destroyed the city of Lisbon; Mozart wrote his first symphony at the age of eight; the water’s chemical composition was discovered; the United States of America had their first president; the French Revolution took place and the Industrial one started; the world’s population finished the century at about nine hundred million; etc. We could spend hours enumerating all sorts of occurrences the world has experienced during that century.

The important thing to highlight is that the planet Earth has seen a lot of important accomplishments, social and political changes and catastrophes from 1700 to 1800, as the examples show. However, how are these things possibly connected to the foundation of a fictional city?

The Eighteenth Century is known as the Century of Lights, because Illuminist ideas has been spread over the globe at that time, inspiring revolutions in social, political and artistic fields. When I first saw the name of the city, Stars Hollow, I thought it might be a reference to the Century, since stars are the first thing that come to mind when we think about lights. Stars Hollow may be understood as a summarized version of an explanation to the Eighteenth Century: stars made the world hollow and then filled it again with light.

Maybe my whole theory is nonsense. Maybe the authors have only joined two letters randomly to name the city. Maybe the foundation date has been chosen randomly too. Everything may be random about the creation of this fictional town. However, I am one of those freaks who look for hidden meanings whatsoever. And I think that is a nice way to think about Stars Hollow, even considering the fact that the TV show is about changes and the challenges they present us, in a familiar approach.


Slightly concussed
We walked thought the gates of Stars Hollow
Together one more time
And in the process of elimination
That has been happening since 1779
One by one
Sometimes by two
Everyone has fallen
What’s a girl to do?


“Dear Diary…

When I arrived in Stars Hollow for the very first time, it was fall. It was an orange day, the leaves were falling, and the city was decorated for the autumn festival. The gazebo was decorated with leaves, straw dolls, pumpkins and hay. A big sign at the entrance of the city said that Saturday would happen the 24-hour Dance Marathon.

I was so excited to be finally there! I planned this trip for three months. Me and Aaron (my twin brother) went to spend the weekend at the Independence Inn, the best inn of the Connecticut area.

That was the best weekend of my whole eighteen years life! Stars Hollow is a small town, founded in 1779, located thirty minutes from Hartford — where we live with our parents and two old brothers.

We had a good time in this lovely town and we had the opportunity to have a breakfast on Luke’s, where I ate the best pancakes of my life and I drink a very good coffee. We met Mr. Doose, who is a little… Boring, according to Luke, but I can forget about it.

Lorelai is a good person, with a keen sense of humor and great pop references. She’s the hotel manager, and we have been very well treated there. Sookie is very clumsy, but makes a food deliciously tasty, in addition to being a lovely person. Well… I learned some French words with Michel. He’s so grumpy, but I’m a good observer, and I even taught some words to Aaron.

The best part of this trip was to meet Rory, Lorelai’s daughter. She’s a big book lover, like me, and we talked a lot about it. We exchanged books indications and we discussed some classics in literature. In the meantime, Aaron went to play baseball with Dean, Rory’s boyfriend. Ah, Aaron and I watched the Dance Marathon until the end, and we had so much fun!”
This would be the weekend of my dreams… If Stars Hollow was a real place, and if Aaron accepted to go with me to this beautiful town. But yesterday night I dreamed about it and I thought it would be cool to write about it here on my journal and little place of memories… That’s it. And maybe I’ll write a book about some day, who knows.

Como eu disse antes, Gilmore Girls é minha série de TV preferida, e eu sempre sonhei em poder visitar essa cidadezinha tão… diferente. E eu apenas passei para o papel o que eu realmente penso sobre a pequena Stars Hollow. Pela primeira vez no projeto eu escrevi algo grande, e fiquei bem feliz com o resultado!

Ana disse que, a princípio, ela achou que Stars Hollow fosse uma instituição… Uma escola, ou algo do tipo, e foi nisso que ela baseou o poema.

Guilherme teve um pouco de dificuldade para encontrar inspiração para escrever, e focou na data de fundação da cidade.

Essa semana foi um pouco complicada para a maior parte dos membros do nosso projeto e, por esse motivo, não tivemos muitos textos. Mas semana que vem voltamos ao normal!

Toda semana fazemos uma playlist com músicas relacionadas ao tema do prompt. Siga a gente no Spotify, também!

Na playlist, você encontrará algumas músicas da trilha sonora da série!

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Asterisk Project
Asterisk Project

Projeto Asterisk: um lugar para treinar o inglês & escrita criativa