Ethereum Devcon4 Highlights of the Asure .Network Team

Asure.Network Team
Asure Network
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2018

At the end of October, it was time again. The ethereum community met at the Devcon4 Conference in Prague and of course, the Asure Team was there as well. Around the Devcon4 many interesting events took place within the Prague Blockchain Week. The venue Prague (also called the Golden City) is one of the most beautiful cities with a lot of sights and, as the Independence Day was celebrated at the same time, there was a lot going on.

The Prague Blockchain Week started for us with the Decentralized Insurance Developer Conference (D1Conf). The D1Conf is organized by Etherisc and offers a wonderful platform for all who deal with Blockchain technology in the insurance sector. At D1Conf, our CTO @FabianRaetz had the pleasure to present our work in the field of decentralized social security and especially pension insurance. Many more exciting details about the D1Conf can be found here.

The next day Devcon4 started. The venue was the Prague Congress Centre, which, spread over 3 floors, offered enough space and a beautiful view over Prague for more than 3000 participants.

Prague Congress Centre
Devcon4 Conference Map

Over a period of 4 days approx. 250 speakers gave more than 170 lectures on the topics Scalability, Security, Privacy, Developer Experience, UX & Design, and Society & Systems. The quality of the presentations was excellent and gave many first-hand insights into current and upcoming developments around Ethereum and related blockchain technologies.

We were primarily interested in the scalability of the Ethereum Platform in both Layer 1 and Layer 2 and we were not disappointed. There was a lot of news about Ethereum 2.0 (Serenity) as well as various Layer 2 based approaches. But also progress in the area of Zero-Knowledge and its use cases were exciting to us and were presented in many talks.

Blockchain frameworks like Cosmos SDK and Parity Technologies’ recently open-sourced Substrate Framework are also of great interest to us as our plan is to use one of the frameworks as a foundation of the Asure Blockchain. Devcon4 was the right place to get in contact with the people behind the projects.

Some of the many more talks we went to, gave insights on recent developments of the Plasma framework and its variants and WASM/EVM improvements.

Evening program

The Devcon4 ended every evening around 6pm. Many of the Asure team used the last 30 minutes to gather energy for the evening and to process the impressions of the day in the Chambers of A.W.E. event. Chambers of A.W.E. was presented in ambisonic sound architectures with multiple speakers evenly distributed over a virtual sphere and combined recorded music and a live performance with dozens of ancient and modern instruments.

Afterwards we went to some of the numerous evening events organized by the community as part of the Prague Blockchain Week. Some of these events we went were the Parity + Polkadot Prague Devcon Meetup and Vlad’s Cryptoparty.

Evening program


All in all the whole Prague Blockchain Week was a complete success for us. We got to know many interesting people from the community, exchanged ideas, learned new technologies, and took valueable input for our projects around decentralized social security back home.

Many thanks to everyone who made all these events possible! We look forward to seeing you all again at Devcon5 next year.

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Asure.Network Team
Asure Network

Asure.Network Team - is a group of insurance and blockchain technology experts. We research social security on blockchain. Website: