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Among Junctions
Musings on music, politics, and food: delivered lukewarm.
Note from the editor

Welcome! I have always envisioned a space in which I could freely share things I find most interesting and enjoyable. While cleaning my room one morning to Arthea Franklin’s “One Step Ahead”, I knew I wanted to discuss music to some caliber. That being said: the personal is, undoubtedly, political — I hope to unpack influence and explore the idiosyncrasies of the vast musical and political landscape — mostly in Chicago, and occasionally beyond. The title, “Among Junctions”, details the main purpose of this blog: to explore the ways in which the things I talk about are inextricably linked (sometimes one, but often both.) I’ve spent a lot of my undergraduate years traversing open mics and attending local music events, and in turn have just began to discover the sheer amount of talent here. I hope to share with you the swaths of artistic luminaries that populate the city — maybe I can even add a few more songs to your rotation! If you’re interested, please keep up with me on twitter @amongjunctions!

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