Introducing Athos Finance

Athos Finance
Athos Finance
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2022

The Linear Finance team first alluded to the launch of Athos back in January 2022. After months of tireless preparation, today we are thrilled to officially announce Athos Finance — the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam!

What is Athos Finance?

Athos Finance is a decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam. It allows users to create and trade a wide range of synthetic assets that track the price behavior of assets such as digital assets, commodities, forex and market indices. It aims to provide on-chain price exposure to users anywhere in the world without the burdens of owning or transacting the actual assets.

Users can stake different assets to build $athUSD to enter long and short positions of their favorite synthetic assets with up to 4x leverage with infinite liquidity and no slippage.

Athos Token & NFT Collection

The launch of Athos Finance would not be complete without its own native token $ATH. We understand that there were a lot of discussions around token distributions and utilities. After taking into consideration the experience with launching Chaotic Finance and the feedback from the community, we decide to take a slightly different approach with token distributions.

Not only will Linear and Chaotic supporters get $ATH airdrops, there is also opportunity to get access to discounted token sale based on their previous interaction with Linear and Chaotic.

The team is also exploring the release of an Athos NFT collection. Holders of the NFTs will become a part of an exclusive club that gets extra perks and benefits when interacting with the Athos Finance product suite moving forward. The biggest Linear supporters will get NFT airdrops based on their previous interaction with the protocol, while a portion of the NFTs will be allocated for primary sale to the rest of the community.

We will share more details around token utility, distribution mechanism and the NFT collection in the coming weeks.

Why Moonbeam?

The Linear team has always wanted to build on Kusama & Polkadot for its cross-chain interoperability. After careful consideration, the only obvious options out there are Moonriver & Moonbeam for a number of reasons:

  • Full EVM compatibility
  • Extensive developer resources
  • The active and engaging ecosystem
  • The innovative team behind both parachains

Earlier this year, Chaotic Finance (another implementation of Linear Finance) launched on Moonriver, essentially an early and experimental version of Moonbeam connected to the Kusama network. Now that Chaotic Finance is live on Moonriver, it only makes sense to launch Athos Finance on Moonbeam, Moonriver’s sister chain deployed as a parachain of Polkadot.

Moonbeam is the first fully-operational parachain on Polkadot and is slated to become one of the biggest parachains on Polkadot network. With its EVM-compatibility, it allows Ethereum developers to use Ethereum developer tools to either build new projects on Moonbeam and Polkadot, or redeploy their existing Solidity projects through minimal changes.

Not only will Athos Finance bring an implementation of Linear Finance onto Moonbeam, but also extend its functionalities with new features on the roadmap. Once these new features go live on Athos Finance, they will also be back-implemented into Linear Finance and Chaotic Finance.

Follow our socials and stay tuned for more updates!

About Athos Finance

Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam. It provides users with on-chain price exposure through synthetic assets with infinite liquidity and no slippage.

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Athos Finance
Athos Finance

Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam.