philosophy / religion / language / meaning
Note from the editor

philosophy / religion / language / meaning

Go to the profile of Matthew
Let's meet the mountains and see what they heard. https://thisisleisfullofnoises.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Venkatachalam Viswanathan
Venkatachalam Viswanathan
: Logistics Pro, Word-Wandering Adventurer, Photographer, History Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Peter Last
Peter Last
Aquarian writer disseminating the intuitive waters of truth and cosmic consciousness to all who seek spiritual revelation.
Go to the profile of Abbigail Thelen
Abbigail Thelen
An aspiring writer and English student hellbent on completing my degree. I hope you enjoy reading my work as I endeavor to improve!
Go to the profile of Samantha Prigge
Samantha Prigge
Artistic Researcher sharing the timeless wisdom of Artistic Mind. Founder of iNous https://www.inous.org. Creator of Novelties of Nous.
Go to the profile of Farida Haque
Farida Haque
Multimedia artist, writer, poet. “I could not have painted myself happy without painting myself sad first…” faridahaque@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Samuel Wilson
Samuel Wilson
Oklahoman with a passion for using the written word as both a vessel to delight in creativity and to understand the world throgh the the Light of Christ Jesus.
Go to the profile of manja
Living those shy hours.
Go to the profile of Kevin L. Hing
Kevin L. Hing
Exploring the path to WellBeing through Embodied Living, Buddhist Meditation, World Travel and Philosophical Introspection. Blog: www.wellscriptedjourney.com
Go to the profile of Peter Sean Bradley
Peter Sean Bradley
Trial attorney. Interests include history, philosophy, religion, science, science fiction and law
Go to the profile of C.T. Wright
C.T. Wright
19yo amateur writer from MN.
Go to the profile of manarch
An old guy who thought studying philosophy would lead to wisdom. Funny thing, that, eh?
Go to the profile of Benigo Montoya
Benigo Montoya
Hello. My name is Benigo Montoya. Inigo is my twin brother. He gets to avenge our father while I stay home and care for mother. Who is the real hero?
Go to the profile of Kiall Hildred
Kiall Hildred
I write about science, psychology, philosophy and life | Pubs: /the-thinkery & /the-ai-academic | Get my articles by email: kiallhildred.medium.com/subscribe