Note from the editor


Go to the profile of R. Larkin Taylor-Parker
R. Larkin Taylor-Parker
Lawyer. Internet dweller. Tuba player. Opinions are mine. Please don’t blame other people for them.
Go to the profile of Kit Mead
Kit Mead
I write about ableism and prejudice a lot. Main blog:
Go to the profile of Casey W.
Casey W.
An autistic aspiring special ed teacher from Australia. Currently living in Japan. Bilingual in Japanese and English.
Go to the profile of Scott D. Folsom
Scott D. Folsom
Engine that turns coffee into writing, mostly about disability.
Go to the profile of Autaitchel
A 48 year old recently discovered ‘autistic’ female. Making sense of everything autistic and blogging about it!
Go to the profile of Somewhat Amanda
Somewhat Amanda
Autistic parent of an autistic teen, a tween, & a toddler. NB queer. Multiply neurodivergent. Feminist, gamer, knitter. Aspiring writer. I delete a lot.
Go to the profile of Heidi Turner
Heidi Turner
#actuallyautistic #linocut #artist #progressive #resist
Go to the profile of Finn Gardiner
Finn Gardiner
Disability, autism, race, politics, LGBTQ+, language, tech, shiny things. Chapter leader of @ASAN_Boston. He/they. Pragmatic left. Blocks RW trolls.
Go to the profile of Greg Love
Go to the profile of Joanna
Go to the profile of Kimberly Williams
Kimberly Williams
Kimberly Williams is a writer of fiction and memoir. She can be found online @keswilliams19.
Go to the profile of Luna Rose
Luna Rose
Luna Rose is an autistic woman who writes about disability, diversity, and family.
Go to the profile of Rochelle Johnson-Vestjens
Rochelle Johnson-Vestjens
Autistic | Trans | Beautiful