Never Ever Do These 10 Things While Driving

Lesson #22. By [] powered by

Stories Of Life
6 min readMay 26, 2018


Photo by Alexandre Boucher on Unsplash

Great going people! So good to see a lot of many of you are reaching out to us with your queries. This definitely means that the series is really helping you and making you curious enough to know all about your car and your car’s maintenance.

I know that for anybody a car is one among the most prized possessions. And for you too, it must be. You adore her, you pamper her but you can never ever think of abusing her. By the abuse, I recall a recent conversation with of my startup colleagues. He was on leave for quite some time and when I enquired about the happenings, I got to know that one of his very close young relative passed out in a car accident. It shocked him to the core because that young chap was really close to him and he was a very good driver as well. So nobody could really digest the fact that he had died in a car accident.

Anyway, this lesson is not about him but about the lesson that we derive from this incident.

A lot of you must be great drivers.

Many of you must be frequent commuters.

Few of you love going on road-trips (self-drive).

Very often, when you’re in control of your car and your riding habits, you don’t acknowledge the fact to keep correcting yourself. Whenever you speed up and somebody knocks you for that, you ignore.

You ignore the fact that the person is really concerned about you.

You ignore the fact that the concerned person has stepped in to check you for speeding up.

You ignore the fact speeding up beyond a certain limit is dangerous.

You ignore all such things. Why? Because you believe you’re an expert driver. Because you’ve never experienced any bad luck in your driving, you think it will never be.

But life is really uncertain!

You never what’s there the next day.

If you’re reading this, I highly recommend you to take some pause, introspect yourself and see where are the gaps, where is your fault, whether your driving skills are on the right track.

In order to remind you further, I’m listing down 10 Things That You Must Not To Do While Driving (No Matter What).

Here you go…

1. Texting while driving

WhatsApp can wait. Facebook can wait. Insta can wait. SMS can wait. But the car already running ahead you can’t wait. You need to be where you’re at present. Distracted driving is hazardous. Never ever text while driving. If it is really that important, consider slowing down your car, park it somewhere safe and then text. People can wait. You have to make them wait. Because text should not be your priority while you are driving.

2. Talking over phone

For the same reason as stated above, never ever talk over phone while driving. I know it’s important for the concerned people to know where you are at present and where you are heading to. So to solve this, you must attend the calls before you start the driving, or once you park your car. In between, no distraction.

3. Drink and Drive

You must already be knowing the repercussions of drinking and driving. There are strict laws already and strict checking on the roads every now and then. You might think that one peg might not alter your driving vision, but you never know how your senses will respond to alcohol while driving. Never take risk with alcohol. It’s a no good.

4. Adjusting your GPS/ navigation

This also adds to the distraction list. Why don’t you set up the navigation beforehand? Or, even if you have to change the navigation, slow down the car, park it somewhere safe, then set the navigation and restart. One small step at a single time. One small action at one time. Multitasking is not good here. You can be appreciated in the office for the same, but certainly not here.

5. Makeup and Grooming

I get it that you’re heading for an event, or you have left for your office but haven’t groomed yourself properly. This doesn’t mean that you should groom yourself while driving. This can’t even be an option. Not even when you are stuck in the traffic.

6. Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health. I know, you know, everybody knows. You would have seen multiple advertisements promoting cigarettes selling with a disclaimer as it is injurious to health. For the cig addicts, they can’t even control while driving. But do you know the repercussions? Your car smells like cigs all the time for the next 24 hours. The cigs make your senses slow down and can impair your visibility to drive. Why would you want to distract yourself for wrong reasons?

7. Google Search

This is very common. You can’t be blank while you drive. And when you drive there must be multiple thoughts coming in, or you would have already thought of searching something on internet, or the least would be finding a meaning of the word on google (A recent research says that 93% people do the google search to find the exact meaning of the word).

Fine, you are curious, and you want to discover about the same. But, online discovery while you are driving is simply not advisable.

8. Falling asleep

This will take your life for sure. If you are driving, and you are feeling ultra tired, stop your car right away. Get down, pour some water on your face freshen up, sip a cup of tea, or do something that will make you wide awake. Sleeping while driving has taken a lot of many lives away.

9. Hydroplaning

So you see a puddle ahead and you wish to get past of it and you consider overspeeding so that you can get off it quickly. Here you might be wrong. Because the puddle that you are seeing right in front of you might make you to skid while you try to hydroplane. Don’t fall into the trap. Always consider a puddle as the mirage that you’re unsure about. Slow down your car and then cross the puddle.

10. Not wearing a seat belt

This one ideally should be the first one. But I have kept it the last because, the last also deserves the same importance. Most of the people avoid wearing a seatbelt in their local area considering that they are well aware of the locality and the riding habits of the people. But you never know if you can head on someone who is new to driving? Or, maybe somebody might overtake you? Or, somebody might be taking a wrong turn. It’s not always your fault. So seatbelts are made to account for others’ fault.

Hopefully, you will keep in mind what all you must not to do while driving. If not, bookmark it. Also, if you happen to know any careless driver, share this with him. You will make him/her feel smarter for the day!

Thanks for reading! 😊 If you feel 22% smarter, test how many times can you hit👏 in 5 seconds. This will help other people be equally smart. *Learn & Share*.

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The more you know, the less you will spend. The more your care, the better your car!

PREVIOUS -> Lesson #21. 5 Uncommon Ways You Can Protect Your Car From Wire-Gnawing Squirrels


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