ATS V/s HRIS: What’s the Difference

Applicant tracking systems keep track of candidates in the pre-hiring phase, while HRIS systems keep track of employees after they’ve been hired. Read further to understand the difference between the two.

5 min readAug 24, 2020


ATS V/s HRIS: What’s the Difference

Some organizations waver between dedicated software and all-in-one platforms that let them manage both recruitment and other HR processes but Applicant Tracking System is a dedicated recruitment system commonly known as ATS. When devising the implementation plan, it is wise to consider integrating the ATS with existing HRIS systems, but often people keep asking as to what is the difference between the two and why one should buy both

The main difference between an ATS and an HRIS is timing. Applicant tracking systems keep track of candidates in the pre-hiring phase, while HRIS systems keep track of employees after they’ve been hired.

What is an Applicant Tracking System?

Applicant Tracking System is a software that manages the end-to-end recruitment process, from sorting through thousands of resumes and CVs to conducting interviews and collecting feedback to determine which candidate fits the job profile. In many cases, they filter applications automatically based on given criteria such as keywords, skills, former employers, years of experience and universities attended.

What is a Human Resource Information System?

HRIS solutions allow you to perform the majority of your day to day tasks when it comes to managing your human resources department. You can view employee profiles, upload any relevant legal documents, manage vacation requests, yearly evaluations, upcoming training, and employee skills among many others.

What are the disadvantages of all-in-one HR software?

HRIS is designed as a multi-purpose tool. They’re the Swiss Army Knife of HR software. But it’s the generalist approach that makes them pale in comparison to specialist recruiting tools ie the ATS. Here’s why:

HRIS recruitment solutions are usually under featured

This is mostly a matter of resource availability. A company that builds an HRIS has to allocate development resources to a wide variety of add-on features. This means that this HRIS may be really good at one thing (their main product), but not so good at the rest.

HRIS recruitment solutions aren’t optimized for mobile

In today’s digital world, both job seekers and hiring teams need to use their mobile devices for job hunting and hiring respectively. This highlights the importance of having a mobile-optimized app for hiring as well as a mobile-optimized careers page and application form. And that’s something that most HRIS can’t provide.

The lack of mobile-optimization can result in losing good candidates who may find the application process a hassle. Most job seekers already abandon application forms that are complicated or too long, and this effect will be even more pronounced on mobile where the screen is smaller.

Other Disadvantages

Security. Security is one of the biggest worries with HRIS. Systems must be designed to prevent unauthorized access to confidential data and also the unintended reporting of such information. This typically required many “departmental access” and many levels of authority for access, all of which have to be monitored and maintained.

Cost. Then there is the cost factor. Especially for smaller and mid-sized companies, this can pose a problem. With the HRIS system, there are high initial costs and maintenance costs.

Staffing. With larger installations required with HRIS, there’s probably the additional cost of hiring an IT specialist to manage the system.

ATS Versus HRIS Applicant Tracking System vs Human Resource Intergration System Difference between ATS and HRIS AviaHire

Why should I choose a dedicated recruitment system instead?

1. Dedicated solutions take recruitment to the next level

A dedicated recruitment platform can add a definite layout to the hiring process. This means, the hiring teams of the company won’t have to invent strategies and hiring stages, but they’ll have custom channels/pipelines to go from the moment they publish their first job ad.

Many of the features AviaHire has developed for these purposes aren’t found most all-in-one solutions. Examples of those features are:

Finding and attracting candidates:

Assessing candidates:

Hiring candidates:

Managing the recruiting process:

2. Dedicated solutions keep expanding their functionality

Recruitment software companies have dedicated resources to implement lots of new product features throughout the year. The same goes for integrations; for example, AviaHire’s ATS integrations include job boards, HRIS, video interviewing platforms, proctoring, and assessment software, and the list is growing all the time.

To make your life easier during the decision-making process for selecting ATS, keep a close eye on software integrations, and feature discrepancies for all of the products on your shortlist. And keep in mind that many key differentiating factors can’t be reduced to a list of features. There may be benefits or challenges that you have to experience first hand or learn from the experience of other users.

In short

So the final choice isn’t ATS V/s HRIS because a good ATS works hand-in-hand with other software. Use specialist tools to get the job done more effectively. We at AviaHire do this ourselves as a company uses our own product for recruiting and an external HRIS integration for our HR needs. We use our own robust ATS for recruiting, and the two systems (ATS & HRIS)integrate seamlessly. We get the best of both worlds.

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