How does Data Enrichment improve an Applicant Tracking Software?

What is Data Enrichment? How does an applicant tracking system help to keep your massive talent pool up to date? Read on to find out…

5 min readJan 5, 2021


How does Data Enrichment improve an Applicant Tracking Software?
How does Data Enrichment improve an Applicant Tracking Software?

Since the world has been inclining more towards social media and has become increasingly reliant on it, recruiters are having a great time with all the information readily accessible on the internet. This information is, however, useful only when it is understood rightly. And for that, you need to have access to and use the right tools. Numerous technological advancements have changed the way people recruit today, and one such tool to change the face of recruiting is the Data Enrichment Feature of an Applicant Tracking Software. According to theory, data enrichment is the process of enhancing, refining, and improving raw data. In an Applicant tracking software, this raw data is the candidate’s data stored in the ATS and the Enrich feature helps to update this data from time to time, as per needs. Data is changing the way every industry functions. Enrichment uses a candidate’s email or public social URL to look for additional data publicly available on the web about that candidate. With numerous talent acquisition solutions, this one is worth investing in.

Why is Data Enrichment Important?

The majority of the recruiters move candidates forward on their pipeline based on the resumes. An applicant tracking software performs the function of parsing the resume which provides a resume score and allows recruiters to decide accordingly. However, a resume is just a fraction of a candidate’s profile and is not always the sole important decision for making a hiring decision. A lot of the information present in the resumes are not up to date. Recruitment starts with the quality of your candidate data. When data is incomplete or incorrect, recruiters can’t begin to assess the candidate in-depth. With data enrichment, you, as recruiters, will be able to see the full picture. This will greatly improve the quality of your hiring.

How does ATS with data enrichment help?

If you’re applicant tracking system already has a data enrichment feature or is planning to introduce one, here’s how you’re hiring and other functions are impacted:

Helps create meaningful relationships

Enriched data is the key to communicating effectively. It can give you personalized insights that open up opportunities for meaningful candidate relationships. Knowing the right information means you can create engaging communication strategies that prioritize your applicants’ needs.

It helps you sync information into your system from different sources, making your work of updating data easier and faster.

Increases conversion rates

It is common to encounter a large percentage of candidates that see the scope of your offer but are not currently interested. These are either passive candidates or active candidates already working somewhere. Data enrichment can help you understand these candidates better and design offers that cater to their professional goals, which will eventually help you convert more of these candidates into hires, thereby increasing your conversion rate significantly.

Helps target hiring campaigns

With enriched data, filtering according to geography, profile, and industry, and various other categories are much more efficient and increase your ROI. If you’re want to influence results with your targeted marketing campaigns, data enrichment is a must.

The talent pool is never outdated

The Enrich feature allows you to constantly keep updating your candidate database by drawing on information from various credible sources such as Linkedin and Reddit. This ensures that your talent pool is never outdated or has old data and is up to date in case any recruiter wants to hire. Since the latest work experience is already updated, recruiters can get a lot of information that they are looking for and is useful for them.

Prospective sources for tapping candidate data

Here are a few of the sites that we compiled for you which can provide you necessary information about the candidate whose information you are looking for to update

  1. Linkedin
  2. Reddit
  3. Github
  4. Twitter
  5. Quora
  6. Stack Overflow
  7. Facebook
  8. Glassdoor
  9. WordPress
  10. Dribble
  11. Instagram
  12. Medium
  13. Behance
  14. Snapchat
  15. Kaggle
  16. Tumblr
  17. WeChat
  18. Pinterest
  19. AngelList
  20. YouTube

Doing all of this manually is a cumbersome and time-consuming task. Having an ATS which does this job for you can go a long way in saving both time and money while increasing efficiency at the same time.

When should you use data enrichment?

There’s no right or wrong time to use the data enrichment feature for updating your data. It should be done at regular intervals to make sure that your data is up to date. Your candidate database should not be lacking any information that might be of importance to recruiters. It can also be used to enrich your list of candidates or attendees for a meetup or conference organized by your company.

Using data enrichment feature frequently allows you to make the most out of the LinkedIn network, enabling timely syncing of data and expanding your social and professional network as well. Last but not the least, it provides recruiters with the most recent database of the candidates, facilitating their hiring process. Looking at that data means cutting out hours of interviewing and manual vetting, as well as a dramatic increase in quality of hire.

Introducing Enrich for Aviahire

Aviahire Applicant Tracking System brings to you the latest feature of data integration that allows you to update your candidate database. It allows you to get the latest data for the candidates you are looking to hire. Now make your work easier by deploying Aviahire for your hiring requirements and reduce the burden of going through thousands of resumes.

Data enrichment comes with a lot of advantages for both candidates and recruiters, but also with a lot of responsibility. Social media information, specifically, can lead us to make strongly biased decisions as recruiters, no matter how careful we are. As long as we use it right, it can be a source of value for everyone involved. Exciting times ahead.

Interested? Request a free demo here

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