The Universe Bends To Your Will | Knowing Your Role

Have you noticed?

Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness


The Universe serves you, not the other way around. Yes, you read that correctly. When you assume the identity of consciousness, and remember that reality itself is your creation, you realize that the Universe has always been in servitude to you. Call it a divine partnership.

What you desire, the Universe fulfills. You point in a direction, and the Universe flows. When you imagine a scenario, the Universe makes it real. It’s always been like this.

This isn’t to imply that the Universe is “lesser” — as our common perception of ‘servitude’ would suggest — it’s to emphasize the fact that we are not inferior to the Universe. When we’re identifying as our 3D selves, we have a tendency to view the Universe as a big cosmic mystery that we bow to — but the Universe, who sees the real you, laughs at that because it is like tea being more important than the drinker. Consciousness and the Universe are on the same level, and both have roles to play.

Consciousness creates, the Universe fulfills.

Nothing exists outside of consciousness — without a being to be ‘conscious’ of what is going on, nothing is going on. Similarly, without there being anything to be conscious of, consciousness is empty. We are that state of consciousness that everything exists for, while the Universe is what holds everything that is created.

When you manifest, you are stepping into your true identity as the Creator and calling things into your line of sight with the Universe. Why do you think the Universe always says “yes” to your manifestations, even when they are unintentional ones that cause bad things to happen in your 3D life? It’s because YOU are the instructor, YOU are the reason it has a purpose, and YOUR vibration is what it reads as its directions. The Universe manifests indiscriminately based on your instructions, which are your assumptions and who you are identifying as at any moment.

Therefore when working with the Universe, remember that you are calling the shots, not begging or pleading to a god-like figure. Create from a place of remembering who you are, and that is the consciousness that directs the Universe — not a powerless person requesting things and ‘hoping’ it happens. Use your consciousness to craft a beautiful experience you enjoy.

“Man’s chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.” — Neville Goddard

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With Love, Kiara Hana



Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness

Guiding you from powerless to your True power | Life changes from the inside out.