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Artigos de pessoas da comunidade AWS no Brasil para pessoas da comunidade AWS Brasil.
Note from the editor

Artigos de pessoas da comunidade AWS no Brasil para pessoas da comunidade AWS Brasil.

Go to the profile of AWS User Group São Paulo
AWS User Group São Paulo
Comunidade para discussões, palestras e networking de Tecnologias AWS no Brasil e no mundo.
Go to the profile of Francisco Edilton
Francisco Edilton
AWS Hero, posting helpful cloud articles.
Go to the profile of Marcelo Palladino
Marcelo Palladino
Husband, father & enjoying life with family. AWS Community Hero, Software engineer at Hi Platform. Strongly interested in Cloud Computing, specially AWS.
Go to the profile of Fabio Balancin
Go to the profile of Vanessa Santos
Go to the profile of Guilherme Oliveira
Guilherme Oliveira
Software Engineer at @Sumup working as Site Reliability Engineering, taking the DevOps culture and OpenSource into teams to transform payment methods!