AXIA 101: AXIA Application Portal is now open!

Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2022


The AXIA team recently unveiled plans for the official AXIA Application Portal, which enables talented community members around the world to apply for roles as project ambassadors, developers, community moderators and partners. Last month, a blog post also went out that detailed what AXIANs can expect out of the AXIA Ambassador Program specifically.

Now, the time has come to officially unveil the AXIA Application Portal to the world! Click here to enter.

As of the release of this blog, you can officially visit the AXIA Application Portal and apply to join or partner with the team in any of the roles listed above. Today’s blog post is all about the portal, breaking down each of the roles within, and also highlighting the review process associated with the different roles. Read on for a full overview of these items!

The roles

As mentioned, there will be four different categories that candidates can apply for. Here is a synopsis of each:

Ambassador — Anybody who read last month’s blog post on this category will already be very well versed in what this program and its participants will look like. For those that didn’t, the AXIA Ambassador Program will give applicants the freedom to propose their own concepts and ideas as to how they’d like to spread awareness and educate either their own physical or virtual communities on what the project can offer the world. Ideas will be evaluated on things like tangible impact, content creation potential, etc.

Ambassadors are encouraged to propose creative ideas and pursue their passions through the portal.

Developer — AXIA is always looking for highly talented developers to join its global team. Developers of all different backgrounds, and with expertise in all different kinds of programming languages, will be invited to throw their metaphorical hats in the ring to become a contributor at AXIA. As a developer with AXIA, there will be the opportunity to work on fulfilling projects like app development, blockchain dApps, and other innovative and exciting platforms!

There’s always more room on the AXIA team for developers with a versatile skill set.

Community Moderator — Just like any blockchain project can never have too many talented developers, no project in this space can ever have enough enthusiastic and skilled community moderators on its team! Anybody applying for a community moderator role should have experience across all of the crypto-centric social channels, including Telegram, Discord, Reddit and Twitter. Bonus points for a positive attitude, solid work ethic and passion for technology and its role in shaping the future.

Skilled community leaders from around the world are encouraged to apply to join the team.

Partner — A wide variety of different partnerships could be formed through this element of the application portal. AXIA is open to connecting with different individuals, organizations and projects around the world that either offer unique models and ideas, or potential areas of collaboration and synergies with the AXIA Project. This category ultimately applies to anyone that is interested in engaging with the AXIA team in an impactful and productive way.

Fruitful long-term partnerships can be launched as a result of today’s launch.

The review process

Anybody applying through the AXIA Application Portal will, of course, be keen to understand what the review process and timelines are like. Here is an overview:

Step 1 — Applicants apply through whichever category pertains to them.

Step 2 — Members of the AXIA team will review all applications once per week and determine which, if any, from the previous week the project would like to potentially move forward with.

Step 3 — The team will reach out to individuals with applications that it would like to move forward with. Depending on the role and the details of the application, the next step could include a formal interview with the team, a request for more details, or a direct approval.

*Please note: the AXIA team will only be able to contact those that are selected to move forward in the application process. If you have not heard from the team within 2–3 weeks of your submission, your application has not been approved.

Step 4 — Approval! Once Step 3 has been completed, as well as any additional follow up required, the AXIA team will let you know that your application has been approved. At that point, the onboarding process will begin and your collaboration with the team can begin.

Still have questions? Here are a few preemptive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that the team has put together for today’s blog:

Q: If my application was rejected, can I apply again?

A: Yes. However, it is strongly suggested that you amend your application because it was not moved forward with during your initial submission.

Q: Can I apply with another person?

A: Sure! If, say, you and a friend want to apply to co-host an event as co-ambassadors, you’re more than welcome to do it in tandem.

Q: Can I follow up for feedback?

A: Yes, you can always email support and the team will endeavor to get back to you. However, it is not guaranteed you will always receive a response due to the large number of applications and follow up that is anticipated.


The AXIA development team continues to work away to ensure that the project’s technology and ecosystem can become the industry standard. Meanwhile, the unveiling of the portal today is an important step in its own right as it opens the door for a new cohort of passionate and skilled contributors to either join the AXIA team and/or work with it to spread awareness of the project globally.

The AXIA Application Portal will expand and grow over time. New categories, columns and roles will be added as the project evolves and increases its footprint around the world. For now, the AXIA team is excited to be going live with the platform, and to see all of the creative and enthusiastic applications that are submitted by AXIANs around the world. The team is already aware of all of the talent that exists in this community as evidenced across all of the project’s social channels everyday, and it cannot wait to see some of that reflected through what comes out of this newly launched ecosystem platform!



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