Announcing: Axie Infinity Open Beta!

Axie Infinity
Axie Infinity
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2018

Dear Axie Community,

Phase 2 of the Beta is now live and open to everyone!

Access the beta site here:

Make sure you’re in our Discord to receive live updates and ask questions directly to the Axie team!

Since Axie runs on the Ethereum Network, you will have to download MetaMask or a web-browser that has it, like Brave.

Remember to switch to Rinkeby Network on your Metamask and claim some Rinkeby ETH at

  1. Press “Claim your test Axies” on the main page and submit the metamask transaction that pops up!

2. This window will pop up, press “View My Axies”.

3. Now, press “Unlock” to open up your new Axies! Submit the transactions that pop up.

Now you’re ready to start battling! Press “Arena” in the header and then “Create new Party”. Check out this post to learn more about Axie battles! Here’s a guide to Axie team selection and positioning from one of the top Closed Beta players, Uselessz. We will be adding info on move stats soon, but in the meantime please use: for info on move stats and passive effects.

“Create new Party” will bring you to our new team selection page
Choose the positioning of your Axies
Choose your Axies!

After you’ve picked your Axies and their positioning, save the team and press “Send to Arena”. Submit the Metamask transaction that pops up(note that sometimes you might have to click Metamask directly to submit the transaction).

Click “Send to Arena” and submit the Metamask transaction that pops up

Your Axies can now gain Experience Points. EXP is used to both breed and level up your Axies. We will be adding our leveling system soon.

Each Axie will be limited to 12 battles per hour.

On August 21st 12:00 CEST the beta site will be reset. Once the site has been reset all Axies from mainnet will be synced to testnet and all players can claim new AOC/MEO tokens. The open beta will last until August 30th 12:00 CEST and the top 16 players on the leaderboard will be awarded 5 MEO tokens each (on mainnet) and be invited to the first ever Axie Infinity Tournament. The Tournament will begin at September 1st 12:00 CEST.

The rewards for the tournament will be:

1st place: Trophy Terrarium Item and .5 ETH

2nd place: .3 ETH

3rd place: .2 ETH

See you in the Arena!

❤ Jihoz

For more information please join the conversation on our Discord or follow us on Twitter. Also remember to clap and share if you like this content.

Axie Infinity:

