I landed a client with a five-figure Ad budget!

Ayodeji Afolabi
Ayo’s Journey
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2017

Aye, I’m back

It’s hard to believe its been 4 months since the last time I was consistently writing on medium. Time really does fly. It feels like it was just yesterday I was writing articles for Dear marketing student (my most recent side project).

I stopped work on Dear marketing student to focus on other things. Since then I’ve updated my personal website, LinkedIn and resume; in addition to writing case studies for my last two side projects. Only now do I feel like I’m ready to get back to writing regularly again. Every week I’ll be publishing a new post on this publication.

I explained what this publication is all about in my previous post.

Weekly Recap

The past few weeks for me has been extremely eventful. In a few weeks, i went from aspiring freelance digital marketer to actual freelance digital marketer.

Yeah, I somehow managed to get an actual business to hire me to manage their AdWords campaign. I still can’t believe it. it all happened so fast, one day I’m talking to someone at an event and one week later I have access to the client’s account.

I feel extremely lucky to be in this position because I know how rare my situation is. Getting a business to trust a student will little experience with their five-figure ad budget is a nearly impossible feat. But I god damn did it!

In all fairness, It wasn’t all luck though. It was a case of being at the right place at the right time and saying the right thing. I simply told the person about the work I did on my last side project. I didn’t think it was that impressive but they certainly must have.

I did great

It’s been an unusually productive week for me. I’ve sent more emails this month alone than I have in all other months! I really want to keep my work rate at this level, but I know it won’t be easy. Right now I’m high on momentum and motivation, likely due to the fact that thing are going well with my client.

What I’m reading

I’ve spent significantly less time reading this week than I usually do because I’ve been so busy with my projects and cold e-mailing people. In hindsight, that’s a really good problem to have.

The most insightful piece I’ve read in the past week is a post called ‘4 Unconventional Ways to Catch a Recruiter’s Eye’ by Hubspot’s career blog.

Recently I had been thinking of how I could make myself stand out when applying for jobs next summer. The post perfectly analyses 4 different ways you can do so. But the part that really spoke to me was the idea of reaching out to a company and pitching a new role like marketing intern for example and then pitching yourself as the ideal candidate for that role before they even put up a job opening on their site.

What’s next

In addition to continuing client work, over the next few weeks, I will be setting aside more time to learn and practice 2 skills; creating landing pages and designing email newsletters.

Hello, I’m Ayo! I’m a writer, student, Digital marketer and founder of DearMarketingstudenT. Find me on twitter @ayo_af or check out my personal website and subscribe to my private email newsletter here. If you like this post give it a 💚 and share! :)

Click the follow button on the publication to get new blog posts on my journey to become a world-class digital marketer. I publish new posts every week, on Mondays.



Ayodeji Afolabi
Ayo’s Journey

Digital marketer | #startup enthusiast | @uwinnipeg 16' @Bcit 18' | Working to providde value | Fam @tosinAF