Saucy Poetry

A Blue Birthday

Sad, but still kicking?

Ginger Cook
AYOT Poetry Corner
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2022


Photo by Birgith Roosipuu on Unsplash

I heard a dear friend say

He was sad it was his birthday

Blue: he felt

At the age he’s been dealt

Off to spend the day in bed

I cried when those words I read

‘Cuz dead, friend, you are not

In fact you’re still mighty hot

Many women I’m willing to bet

Would hit it if you’d let

Many are probably hankerin’

For you to give them a good spankin’

Dearest pal remove the sheets

Go out and hit the streets

For you’ve just now hit your prime

And being sexy isn’t a crime

If I could I’d take you out for some beers

And we’d reflect on your 62 years

Later you’d realize, after all, it’s not so bad

Who would ensure a better night you’d never had?

Oh! That cute blonde walking with you to your car

Year 62 has raised the bar



Ginger Cook
AYOT Poetry Corner

All the funny things please, they keep me from severe depression. If you like Pearl Jam and peanut butter, we might be soul mates.