Tinker - Introduction (WoW Class)

Ekrem Atamer
Azerothian Archives
5 min readSep 6, 2018

[This is part of my Tinker series. For an overview of all the articles, click here.]

By Dimitry Carréhttps://www.artstation.com/artwork/q9ZKa

The following text is written in two distinct styles. The italic parts are in an overly sophisticated cursive but very tidy. The bold parts do not follow a straight line, the letters are sloppy. It looks like the two authors interrupted each other. The text in regular font is the note of the editor, yours sincerely.

Azeroth is a world full of wonders and most people think of magic when it comes to wonders. Magicians of all sorts walk the realm, bringing life and death with their expertise. However, what is more wonder-ful? Is it an individual’s monopoly on power or is it the ability to empower the community, the people? If you think the first, you are probably the next Kel’thuzad or Arthas pal. If you believe in accessibility, then you’ll see the real wonders of the world are the doings of the scientists and engineers: The mage can make, nay, sell portals for a few, but boats and zeppelins carry people daily en masse You can charge people, so it’s profitable too! The mage can conjure some jelly to feed some people, but the boomstick (that you sell) allows one to hunt and the tools of trade enable them to use the gifts of nature to cover their needs.

It is no surprise that the two major communities of Azeroth, the Horde and the Alliance, have embraced races that bring the required acumen an- Geez woman, you aren’t even boring, we need a new word for you. What she means is that both sides found the real smart people! S M A R T. And obviously, the Horde got the better deal. Goblin engineering is the real deal. If you want to blow yourself, that’d be correct. But if you want an inventor, a person who can actually invent new things, the Alliance has the winner: The Gnomes.

Next two pages, it looks like the two argued a bit then ended up writing over each other’s words and the whole page became indecipherable. Moving on the page after where it seems they settled down.

While the actual implementation and finalization of inventions may change per case, you will almost always find a tinkerer Tinker. It’s a tinker. behind every invention. If you go further, the gnomes’ affinity for engineering can be traced to mechagnomes, creations of titans that are often found as care takers of other machinations and mechanical creations. Yeah, whatever. Unlike the robot granddaughter over here, our intelligence is ours. We just had a, uhm, little boost from Kaja’mite. And we had to fight for our freedom and everything, it’s a very dramatic story (works great with ladies).

Understatement of the Year

Anyway. It’s true that the goblins and gnomes don’t get along too well Understatement of the year ladies and gents …but we still share the same passion: To create something new, to solve the puzzle of how, to find ways to overcome situations others can not. And some of us do see beyond the enmity and communicate with each other, exchange ideas (and bombs.) And in one such recent discussion, we realized one thing: Surely there are engineers on the field, our inventions are deployed and even some heroes who… utilize basic engineering Poser peasants as I call them But the Tinkerers Tinkers. are rarely represented! This needs to change. We have shared our expertise in countless areas from afar. It’s now time to follow in steps of those such as Gelbin Mekkatorque and Gazlowe and be out there.

Mekkatorque on Broken Islands

In fact, the best way to do it is surprisingly similar for both sides! Both gnomes and goblins have their own mechanical machines that are build in a modular principle so that they can be extended, expanded and otherwise improved, known as Mechanical Extensible Constructs or shortly, MECs. Time to suit up losers!

Gazlowe’s MEC

Now let me tell you about the meks. MEC. It’s a MEC. You read it the same, whatever. So! MEKs. What matters about these babies, aside from how bad ass they look, is their Convertos. It’s a part that converts energ- Hey, I’m talking here. It’s a thing that converts things to energy, energy to things and so on. You wouldn’t understand it, it’s too technical. Let me explain you in peasant terms.

One Converto is what I call, KICK, because it’s Kick-ass. ..It’s an acronym for Kinetic Impact Calculation Kit… and allows you to be super tough. Like you’d handle rockets thrown at you. See, it’s super smart. It converts all the stuff thrown at you to energy. Or the stuff that you throw at others. And it generates a shield that softens every sort of blow.

Another one would be the Bio-Converter Kit, which allows the MEC to drain any sort of disease, poison et cetera and even the wounds while applying medical procedures. The bio content drained will be converted into usable material and energy. Since they have to get in mid-close range, we also topped the core of converto, so they get more power from moving around.

Healing. Boring. Now comes my personal favorite, what I call HACK because it’s good at hack and slash! (acronym for heavily armored converter kit…) This baby is PACKED. It has buzzsaws, guns and an amazing rocket launcher! I even snuck in a little something something inside. I call it Alghorithm 66. I won’t tell what it is but I’ll give you a hint: IT SPITS ROCKETS! WOO!

PICK-The old goblin design

The final prototype we have is the Portable Instant Construction Kit, a goblin desing from around the Third War. This kit allows field construction of turrets, small factories that create mini-robots and employs some pre-constructed robots to be unleashed in a pinch, such as the laseraptors.

Next pages are unfortunately either burnt, zapped, torn, scribbled over or missing. From what I can make, they went into an argument. In the next files, I’ll present you what I have managed to gather from these documents.



Ekrem Atamer
Azerothian Archives

Gamer, gaming industry wanderer, development and design enthusiast. Current WIP: TBD