“We need to talk about Kevin”

Seb Paradise
Asian Identity
Published in
7 min readDec 29, 2017

Or rather, the Kevins. Kevin Nguyen and Kevin Krieder.

Mainly, my response is to Kevin Nguyen’s article.

Before you read my response to the Kevins, read the essential reading if you have not already.

There is little point calling for unity, if legitimate criticism towards AF is deemed to be “shaming”. We are not shaming interracial dating. We are criticizing internalized racism and white worship.

When asian females/males come together to talk about racism all kinds of things come up but the one thing that always the most difficult thing to talk about is the big elephant in the room: the totally abnormal and unprecedented WM/AF rates that are destroying the community. Until asian men and women can come together and actually talk about this issue we will never come close to some kind of solution.

Kevin Nguyen’s conclusion:

“It’s merit based, if you are a good man with substance, character; if you are honest with your words and bring value to others, it doesn’t matter which race you come from. People are going to date and marry good people. The end.”

78fivealive of Plan A Magazine explains why this conclusion is wrong:

“Let’s take that at face value then. Asian men outmarry about as frequently as other POC. the two outliers are asian women, and black women. Asian women are by far the most likely poc group to marry white, black women the least likely.

This @yendegreez suggests we conclude black women just don’t have the same merit as asian women. Asian men have about the same merit as every other group. And asian women are phenomenal.

@yendegreez’s conclusion is obviously wrong, though maybe he stands by these unavoidable inferences drawn from his conclusion. Who knows what some asian guys on Twitter believe these days.”

The dating disparity between the genders has almost nothing to do with attractiveness or merit and everything to do with white supremacy, the Three Bears racial Big Lie of white supremacy, internalized white supremacy, and self-hate.

We have been blindsided up until this point when the 2017 Pew statistics emerged: 54% of asian women outmarry.

Other ethnicities have an average interracial marriage rates. If love is not racist then why only white men? The outmarriage rate is far more than other groups. Like more than 4–5 times more than black and white women. Again, see the links on my article above.

This is according to the Pew study 2017. It is not about the individual WMAF couple… its the rate at which it is happening. The rate is abnormal and unprecedented. If the asian women in the community keep this up then there will be no Asian community…

WMAF is the most common interracial couple and not turning heads. Also, do you think that would be the case if we “shamed” asian women like you claim? It has got to the point where white men feel comfortable enough to display the most disgusting forms of racist misogyny.

Furthermore, white male ‘openness’ to interracial relationship also shows a strong bias against black women. Another problem is WMAF far outnumbers WMBF, even though there are many more BF in America. So this clear racial bias suggests, white men are not living up to this post-racial ideal. It’s racial preference at work, not post-racial colorblindness.

Again, if you have not read my article linked at the top, read it. Address the elephant in the room: white male patriarchy.

When will asian women rally against it?

The opposition kept telling us to do nothing about it. They silenced us by calling us names; bitter, delusional, misogynistic, dags, etc. But one thing they can’t stop, the data. You cannot just ignore the data with anecdotal experiences.

Most of the time, many asian women love to skirt the core problems and just talk about other things. I’m pretty sure we as asian men are completely in on this issue. We are willing to talk about it openly because it threatens the existence of the community itself.

Kevin Nguyen in his privileged position as a male model is proposing the status quo which is to ignore the issue. Kevin Krieder in his privileged position as a male model is proposing the status quo which is to ignore the issue (What is it with these male model Kevins?!) And we know where that has gotten us. Sorry, but we have displayed zen like patience for years. Enough, is enough.

Bringing attention to issues is not the same as bringing shame — that is, unless shame rises from the issue itself being public. And that’s what it comes down to, doesn’t it? When WMAF loses its illusion of progressive harmony, and is brought down to the same level as any other social behavior, and people start paying attention to the statistics, stories, and facts… Then suddenly, it’s no longer that model interracial relationship, that perfect meeting of East and West. That exotic fantasy Hollywood tried to sell for the last fifty years or more.

The goal should simply be to inform the public of the gender racism that pervades Western society, and which is exemplified in the case of WMAF. Because nobody in the mainstream — not liberals, not conservatives, not Western or Eastern governments, not the media, not Hollywood — is willing to discuss it, and indeed, one might even say they’ve long worked to not discuss it. Progress will be made only when people in general understand, as we do, the nature of the WMAF marriage rates, and what it says about the nature of Western society.

When you see AMWF everyone gives shit to the AM, or maybe because it’s so extremely rare you never notice. Why is it that over 54% of asian women date outside their race? But only 21% of asian males do? We do not want to marry at such a high interracial rate that it destroys the community. That is the difference.

As I mentioned before: most people overall don’t outmarry. That’s period. It’s not that we outmarry less; Asian women just outmarry way too much to White guys. TO WHITE GUYS. Why is it that Asian women are mostly looking for White men to date interracially? How rare is it to see an Asian woman with a Latino or Black guy? That is not feminism, that is just social climbing. It is not interracial, it’s white supremacy. We don’t hear them bitching about not being able to date black men. They get way more social pressure not to date Black, usually for racist reasons. Straight up. But they don’t fight that. HMMMMM. How does that cloak of progressivism feel? Call it what it is — internalized racism and white worship.

Lets not forget the need to put us down, dehumanizing us to glorify their own WMAF relationship and this has become normalized somehow… Self-hating Asian women are a worrying thing…

There are 2 problems and they are happening side by side and its going to be a never ending game of cat and mouse until something is done in the middle to rectify this. Both are centered around bullying which is NO ONE deserves to be on the receiving end of…

1) The dehumanization of asian men aided by asian women. This definitely needs to be criticized. There is a lot of evidence on the internet, a lot. Esther Ku, Lily Mac, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube interviews. So many.

It is precisely because they are Asian that they need to be held accountable. After all, if other people see that asian women are doing that, they would think that it’s fine if they do that as well. They are the female equivalent of Ken Jeong.

2) Asians who have been put down made to feel at times not even human and consumed by hate… it has got to the point that it has consumed them and they cannot see anything but hate.

N.b. This discrimination has also been documented by gay members of the Asian community like Oxford DPhil academic Shi Donglai who shared the work of fellow academic C. Han in his article “Darker shades of queer: race and sexuality at the margins”. For reference this is the book the article is published in: Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power, Second Edition)

Erin mentioned the bullying she receives about her personal life from asian male social media messages and we are doing everything we can to prevent this. Personal life attacks set us back. We don’t deny there are also issues on the male side, so it would be great if the women can extend the same courtesy.

Finally, we must question Kevin Nguyen’s integrity on this subject. He mentions in his article:

There is an alarming number of men outside the Asian race that know little to nothing about various Asian cultures and traditions, whose main objective is to meet an asian women to satisfy fantasy and carnal urges. I’m empathetic to that, which I also have to say it is degrading.

Yet in his reddit post he gleefully participated in the objectification of asian women...

Because dating someone is the only way you can learn a language right?!

Your words are the language of the colonial oppressors you evoke:

Marie Antoinette: “Let them eat cake”

