@ngeth is a library built on Angular for super fast bootstrap of Ethereum Dapps. ⚡️
After building many Dapps with angular and web3 I realized I spent a lot of time trying to makeweb3 more…
I would like to suggest an angular-ish way to inject web3 library in your Angular 7 application.
UPDATE : The code has been updated to reflect how MetaMask…
Last part of the article “Ethereum and Angular”. Read the previous parts :
Solidity is a statically typed language, below you will be able to find a list of the main types…
In part 1 and part 2 we setup a Dapp based on Ethereum andAngular. In this part we’ll implement NGRX.
You can find the code here : https://github.com/B2-Expand/angular-ethereum-boilerplate
In the previous article we built an angular module to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.