Taking Cross-Gaming To The Next Level

Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2020

(Initially published 12th December 202O)

Get ready for an epic collaboration Neon District — Battle Racers — Light Trail Rush

We’re excited to announce a collaboration with Neon District and Battle Racers for an exclusive sale.

What Makes Us Tick

As a blockchain game developer, we are very pleased to take part in something so groundbreaking and which demonstrates the potential for true item ownership on the blockchain.

This sort of collaboration between game developers and game universes is exactly the sort of use-case that got us excited about the technology.

The vision of the multiverse seen in Ready Player One will not be the work of isolated companies, but the realization of a community of studios working with a community of players.

And blockchain is the way to do it.

It allows each studio to participate in a global project without having to sacrifice its own interests. It also allows players to regain power over their assets and increase their power and sustainability.

Collaboration With Neon District

The blockchain game space is awesome; we may offer games in different genres, but developers support each other in a big way.

We love the art in Blockade Games’ RPG Neon District and the company’s talent in many areas, especially in maintaining a trustworthy relationship with their community.

We’re thrilled to have created this special Neon District skin for our Goliath ship.

The Neon District-themed Goliath available for Light Trail Rush.

The skin is available now

When players own both the Neon District-themed Goliath skin and a Radiant Blade, the ship will emit a special hologram from above the ship’s cockpit:

Radiant Blade NFT combined with Neon district-themed ship in Light Trail Rush

We’ve minted 250 Neon District-themed Goliath skins, which is available now, priced 0.2 ETH.

Collaboration with Battle Racers

We’re also working with Altitude Games, the developer of Battle Racers to integrate this cute skin on our Firebird ship.

We’ve minted 50 Battle Racers-themed Firebird skins, which are currently selling for 0.2 ETH. They are available here.

Get Light Trail Rush

To get your free build of the alpha version on Steam, please sign-up here.

Please note Light Trail Rush is a Premium game, you’ll need to purchase the game to play and add your NFTs. The Premium version is expected to be released late May 2020.

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