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b2w engineering
Somos a área de tecnologia e serviços digitais da americanas s.a. Para conferir nossas vagas acesse: https://carreiras.americanas.com
Note from the editor

Somos a área de tecnologia e serviços digitais da americanas e desenvolvemos os sites da maior empresa de e-commerce da América Latina.

Go to the profile of americanas tech
americanas tech
Somos o BIT, a área de tecnologia e serviços digitais da americanas s.a. e desenvolvemos os sites da maior empresa de e-commerce da América Latina.
Go to the profile of Tiago Andrade
Tiago Andrade
Entrepreneur, optimist, and lifelong learner.
Go to the profile of Ester Lima de Campos
Go to the profile of Jose R Pizani
Go to the profile of Vanessa Souza
Go to the profile of Vivian Ferreira
Go to the profile of Hugo Andrade
Go to the profile of Stephanie Silva
Go to the profile of Elza Cristina
Go to the profile of Sabrina Mrocha
Go to the profile of Morgana Leandro
Go to the profile of Karoline Kaori Tavares
Go to the profile of Rafael Amorim
Go to the profile of Ricardo Mayerhofer
Go to the profile of Marcus Cavalcanti
Marcus Cavalcanti
Currently CTO@PicPay. Previously @Amazon Web Services and @OLX.
Go to the profile of Ester Lima de Campos
Go to the profile of Marcela Wolff
Go to the profile of Ester Lima de Campos
Go to the profile of Marcos Leal
Marcos Leal
Data scientist @ B2W. Lover of Neural Networks and NLP in general
Go to the profile of Mateus Magnus Paape
Mateus Magnus Paape
Faixa Vermelha em Karatê Shotokan,Cientista de Dados na Americanas S/A. Leitor voraz
Go to the profile of André Claudino
Go to the profile of Adriano Francisco Santos
Go to the profile of Felipe Lopes
Go to the profile of Caio Ferreira
Caio Ferreira
Developer @ B2W. Paixonate by functional programming and software architecture.
Go to the profile of Adriano Rodrigues
Adriano Rodrigues
SEO and Data analyst at B2W, MSc in mechanical engineering, passionate about using technology to leverage business performance
Go to the profile of Pedro Gil A Alcantara
Pedro Gil A Alcantara
A Data Analyst that is passionate for Math & Technology
Go to the profile of Gustavo Oliveira
Gustavo Oliveira
Sou o vice-treco do sub-troço. GitHub: https://github.com/guizoxxv
Go to the profile of Bruno Pirajá Moyle
Bruno Pirajá Moyle
Entusiasta, crítico e curioso
Go to the profile of Thais Struzani
Go to the profile of Eric Monteiro
Eric Monteiro
Analista de Sistemas em constante aprendizado.
Go to the profile of Matheus Castro
Matheus Castro
Just a developer. 🌈 Currently Senior Staff
Go to the profile of Cá Pacheco
Cá Pacheco
UX Writer, artesã e empreendedora encantada em oferecer a melhor experiência pro ser humano ❤
Go to the profile of Diedro Meliga
Diedro Meliga
Product Design Lead | Coordinator na XP Inc.
Go to the profile of Gabriel Jesus
Go to the profile of Grazielle Alessa
Grazielle Alessa
Analista de Segurança e Mestranda em Redes de Computadores com foco em Segurança da Informação na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Go to the profile of Raphael Mantilha
Go to the profile of Rodolpho Rodrigues
Rodolpho Rodrigues
Full Stack Developer @ B2W . The passionate programmer
Go to the profile of Allan Lemos
Go to the profile of Ricardo Sallin
Go to the profile of Matheus Mesquita
Go to the profile of Heronildes Ferreira
Heronildes Ferreira
Analista de Sistemas Sr.
Go to the profile of Victor Nascimento
Go to the profile of Allan Batista
Go to the profile of Jeferson Martins
Go to the profile of Karla Nascimento
Go to the profile of Lucas Cardoso Silva
Go to the profile of Fernando Zagatti
Go to the profile of Karina Soares dos Santos
Karina Soares dos Santos
Linguista computacional graduada em Letras. É fascinada por Natural Language Understanding e viciada em cupuaçu com manga.
Go to the profile of Claudio Santos
Go to the profile of Vanessa Quadros
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Peres
Go to the profile of Etiene Oliveira
Etiene Oliveira
Não existe cura para a curiosidade!
Go to the profile of Felipe Martins Lopes
Go to the profile of Nicole Lima
Nicole Lima
Uma Product Owner apaixonada pelos vocabulários controlados na Arquitetura da Informação
Go to the profile of Luis Henrique Oliveira
Go to the profile of Livy Real
Livy Real
Livy Real é doutora em Linguística e atua com Processamento de Linguagem Natural e Inovação Aberta. Acredita no software livre e na conexão ciência-sociedade.
Go to the profile of Igor Felipe
Igor Felipe
Software Developer @ B2W Digital
Go to the profile of Thiago Carrati
Go to the profile of Mahmoud aljadan
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Padin
Go to the profile of Alexandre Henrique
Alexandre Henrique
Data Scientist | MSc in Computer Engineering
Go to the profile of Gabriel Nogueira
Go to the profile of Elza Cristina
Go to the profile of Fernanda Sousa
Fernanda Sousa
UX/UI Designer, Facilitadora Design Thinking, Advogada dos usuários e apaixonada por resolver problemas de maneira simples, criativa e eficaz.
Go to the profile of Eduardo Bonzi
Go to the profile of Vinicius Silva
Go to the profile of Davi Santos